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Quilt Interwoven / A finish

Voilà terminé un chouette projet, le quilt along TRI.
Here is a finished project, the fun HST quilt along.

Voilà Interwoven :
Here is Interwoven:
Interwoven, 30'' x 40'' (76 x 101 cm), 2020

Piécé et quilté à la machine
Modèle dessiné sur Patterjam
👉 Explications et fichier à télécharger sur la page QAL TRI

Pieced and quilted by machine
Pattern designed on PatterJam
👉 Free instructions and downloadable file: QAL TRI

C'était la première fois que je menais un tel projet, et ça a été une belle aventure, de belles rencontres sur le net, et la joie de voir de belles réalisations très diverses !
Pour faire ce modèle, les explications sont ici, sur la page dédiée au QAL TRI.

It was the first time that I was hosting such a project, and it was a beautiful adventure, meeting fabulous quilters on the net, and the joy of seeing beautiful and very diverse achievements!
To make this pattern, the instructions are here, on the dedicated page to the QAL TRI.


Rejoignez-moi chaque dimanche pour ma link party Patchwork & Quilts, et vous pourrez partager vos photos de ce sur quoi vous travaillez. J'aimerais beaucoup les voir !

Join me every Sunday for my linky party called Patchwork & Quilts, and you can share your photos of what you’re working on. I would love to see them!


Kim a dit…
Oh wow, your Interwoven quilt is a most beautiful quilt, Frederique! The colours you chose are so lovely. A fabulous design, too. How wonderful of you to host this event with others. It sound as if you all had the best fun!
Lynette a dit…
What a pretty turquoise and white quilt!
Jayne a dit…
The colors are so gorgeous together!
Angela a dit…
So pretty! Love it!
That is really pretty! I love the woven effect!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
The way the colours are interwoven, it's quite impressive.
Marly a dit…
I love your result; really spectacular!
This really nice - the Graphic design of it really draws you in - and your colors are so pretty together!!
Cathy a dit…
I love quilts that look like they have been woven. What a wonderful finish!
Preeti a dit…
Oh Frédérique, this is beautiful. It is so soothing and calming. It is like a cool breeze on a hot and sweltering day. It is like a salve on a wound. I love it. Have a wonderful weekend.
Gwyned Trefethen a dit…
Lovely pattern and you made it sing.
Home Sewn By Us a dit…
Hi Frederique! This is a stunning example of an interwoven piece. I really LOVE the fabrics and colors you chose. They are just perfect for this! Thank you for linking up on TGIFF. ~smile~ Roseanne
quiltingbydawn a dit…
This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
Bonjour Frédérique, félicitations sur ton projet terminé. Ton quilt est vraiment beau avec ta combinaison de bleus et gris. C'est beaucoup de travail de mettre un quilt-along. Je suis bien contente qu'il a été un succès. Merci pour ton lien sur Free Motion Mavericks. Je viens juste d'écrire un article sur Translucent Meaderings. Merci et prends soin de toi-même!
Anonyme a dit…
Absolutely gorgeous! I will feature it in this week’s Creative Compulsions. And I’m pinning it too.

Congratulations on a wonderful quilt along! Love the finished quilt--it's fabulous! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
Quiltpiecer a dit…
Very nice! I'm inspired to make one and thank you for sharing the link.
Turid a dit…
I'll never stop looking at this beautiful quilt.

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