La liste de la semaine !
The week's list!
Encore une semaine chargée, on verra bien ce que je peux faire ! Zen !
The week's list!
Oh la la, je me suis laissĂ©e entraĂźnĂ©e par le travail cette semaine, et je n'ai pas pris le temps de faire quoi que ce soit en couture... Cette annĂ©e encore, je me suis inscrite au challenge de A Ă Z, et la prioritĂ© cette semaine c'est de prĂ©parer les articles en avance pour ne pas ĂȘtre submergĂ©e en avril !
Je rejoins la linky party To-do Tuesday hébergée chez Chris de Chris Knits.
Oh boy, I got caught up in work this week, and didn't take the time to do any sewing... This year again, I signed up for the A to Z Challenge, and the priority this week is to prepare the posts in advance so I won't be overwhelmed in April!
I join the To-Do Tuesday linky party hosted at Chris's place at Chris Knits.
To-do liste pour la semaine du 23 au 30 mars :
To-do list for March 23-March 30:
- To-do #1
Continuer (finir ?) le quilting du quilt commun đ§”
Continue (finish?) the quilting of the bee quilt đ§”
Commencer Ă Ă©crire les premiers articles du challenge de A Ă Z, sur mon thĂšme du recyclage â»ïž
- To-do #3
Find another sponsor for my challenge đ
- To-do #4
Rassembler des photos pour mon article mensuel de gratitude, la semaine prochaine đ
Collect photos for my monthly gratitude post, next week đ
- To-do #5
Eventuellement : laisser la place pour un projet inattendu (on ne sait jamais...) â
Eventually: leave room for an unexpected project (you never know...) â
Encore une semaine chargée, on verra bien ce que je peux faire ! Zen !
Another busy week, we'll see what I can do! No pressure!
đ Join me on Sunday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party đ
đLinking up with To-Do Tuesday / Midweek Makers / Wednesday Wait Loss / Stitch, Sew & Show / Needle and Thread Thursday / Peacock Party / Can I get a Whoop Whoop? / Beauty Pageant / Off the Wall / Free Motion Mavericks
You do not have to have a theme, some bloggers don't and write about what they have in mind every day, about the letter of the day. Mostly novelist and writer bloggers.
As I blog about quilting, I have a related quilting theme ;)
Signs up are closed now, but you can still play the game ;) Here is the " Master list " of all the participants.
And you can participate with me too ;) I run a parallel challenge, quilting and sewing related.
No need to have a sponsor, but it's more fun to win a prize at the end ;) Fat Quarter Shop will offer a gift certificate for a US/Canadian winner, and a French shop may offer a prize for a European winner (not totally sure yet).
I hope you will play with me!
Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks,
Love, Muv