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En avril / April One Monthly Goal

Mon objectif du mois : quilter le Modern Drunkard's Path.
My monthly goal for March: quilt the Modern Drunkard's Path quilt.

Je n'ai pas encore sérieusement réfléchi au quilting, j'hésite entre un quilting dense, et un quilting "léger". A voir...

I haven't seriously thought about quilting yet, I'm wavering between dense quilting, and "light" quilting. To be continued...

Avril va être très occupé par le Challenge A to Z, j'espère pouvoir compléter mon objectif !
Cela dit, je suis à jour selon le calendrier du QAL Courbes de Cécile et Corinne, qui donnent avril et mai pour le quilting. Au pire, j'ai 2 mois pour trouver le ou les motifs et les exécuter 😋

April is going to be very busy with the A to Z Challenge, I hope to complete my goal!
That said, I am up to date with Cecile and Corinne's QAL Curves schedule, which gives April and May for quilting. At worst, I have 2 months to find the quilting designs and execute them 😋

👀 Join me on Sunday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 👀

🔗Linking up with One Monthly Goal 


ChezVies a dit…
I simply love this quilt! It's so beautiful. I think whatever quilting you'll do on it will turn out very pretty!
That is one lovely quilt! Love it!!!
Kim a dit…
I too, love this beautiful quilt. I wonder what quilting you will decide upon??
chrisknits a dit…
So pretty! I think I would leave the flowers lightly quilted and the background densely. Make those flowers pop!
I love your beautiful curves in these flowers
That is a beautiful quilt design! The flowers and pinwheels look perfect!
Bonnie a dit…
That is a wonderful use of curves. It's fresh and different to me. Great choice of colors.
Marti a dit…
This quilt is even more beautiful every time I see it! I love the lighter blocks forming the background.
Liz A. a dit…
The quilt came out great. I love the bright flowers with the more muted ones fading into the background.
Lynette a dit…
This turned out absolutely terrific!
PaintedThread a dit…
Love this quilt. No matter how you quilt it, it's going to look great!
Charlie a dit…
C’est très joli!
Jennifer a dit…
What a lovely quilt!

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