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#AtoZchallenge 2021 theme reveal ♻️

Allez hop, c’est parti pour ma 3ème participation au challenge !
Let’s go for my 3rd time involved in the challenge! As my blog is bilingual, I write first in French, then in English. Look for the green and italic text for English!

Cette année encore je participe au challenge de A à Z, qui consiste à poster sur son blog, chaque jour d'avril sauf le dimanche, un article par lettre. On commence donc jeudi 1er avril avec la lettre A, puis vendredi 2 avec la lettre B, etc. Ça tombe bien, en dehors des dimanches, il y a 26 jours en avril 😋

This year again I participate in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge: it's about blogging every day during April except Sundays, one post per letter. We begin on Thursday, April 1st with the letter A, then on Friday, 2nd with the letter B, etc. Great news, except Sundays, April has 26 days 😋

26 jours : un jour pour chaque lettre de l'alphabet, thématiquement de A à Z. Le but de cet article est justement de révéler mon thème 2021.
Allez visiter le site officiel du challenge pour prendre connaissance des autres thèmes révélés, il y en a beaucoup, et susceptibles d'intéresser tout le monde !

26 days--one day for each letter of the alphabet, thematically from A to Z. The purpose of this post is precisely to reveal my 2021 theme.
Head over to the official site for the other revealed themes of this Blogging from A to Z Challenge. There are so many entrants and a topic to interest everyone!

  • En 2019, j'avais écrit une petite encyclopédie sur le thème du quilting et du patchwork. A comme Appliqué, B comme Binding ou biais de finition, C comme Celtique, etc.
  • In 2019, I had written a small encyclopedia on the theme of quilting and patchwork. A is for Appliqué, B is for Binding, C is for Celtic, etc.
Celtic by me

Kimberly Mystique by Gloria Loughman

  • Cette année, je vais rester dans l'univers du textile, mais avec une approche recyclage, réutilisation et valorisation. Plein de bonnes idées de bricolage facile ! ♻️
  • This year, I will remain in the world of textiles, but with an upcycling, recycling and repurposing approach. Lots of good easy DIY ideas! ♻️

Un défi pour vous aussi ! / A challenge for you too!

ET je vais vous demander de participer aussi pendant le challenge de A à Z, comme suggéré par les membres de l'équipe ! Il s'agit de partager ses réalisations textiles ici sur mon blog, en fonction de la lettre du jour. Chaque jour, une link party sera ouverte pour vous permettre de lier un article de blog, ou simplement poster une photo.
  • A comme...
  • B comme...
Alors, qui est avec moi ?

PLUS I'm going to ask you to participate also during the challenge A to Z, as suggested by the team members! The idea is to share your textile projects here on my blog, according to the letter of the day. Each day, a link party will be open to allow you to link a blog post, or simply post a photo.
  • A is for...
  • B is for...
So, who is with me?

*If you were looking for the Patchwork & Quilts link-up, it's on the last post: Link party: Patchwork & Quilts #42, or the new one: Link party: Patchwork & Quilts #43.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


I like the pocket phone idea - one I would like is an idea on how to attach that pocket temporarily on a pair of pants that has no pocket so one can carry the phone with them
Tami Von Zalez a dit…
Oooo going back to read your 2020 posts. Got you on my Feedly now. Here is my info.
Liz A. a dit…
Sounds like a great topic. Good luck.
TWW a dit…
I don't know if I will be able to do that, (sharing projects) but I will definitely read and comment as and when I can.
Is the blog I am using this year.
Marti a dit…
I don't think I could think of 26 things to write about on a single theme. One year, a set a goal of posting every day for a month and it was tough even though I could write about anything at all. Good luck with your April, I'm looking forward to seeing your posts.
Looking forward to what upcycling crafts you write about during the challenge. I'm doing a craft oriented A to Z this year myself. It's so much fun. Weekends In Maine
Barbara a dit…
An interesting topic, with up- or recycling etc. you can create beautiful works ( I look forward to your reports.
I like the cell phone charging station from a jeans pocket very much.
I'm happy you are joining again! And with such a fun theme too! :)
The Multicolored Diary
JazzFeathers a dit…
I really liked your theme last year. Can't wait to read your new challenge :-)

The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - The Great War

John Holton a dit…
Looks like an interesting topic again this year! I look forward to reading your entries!
Deborah Weber a dit…
What a great topic - I look forward to your posts. And I'll happily play along as I can.
Verveine et Lin a dit…
Tu m'as donné envie de me prêter au jeu. Je pensais ne jamais trouver 26 rubriques et finalement... je vais participer au challenge !
mais je me ferai un plaisir de partager aussi mes images dans ta linky party
CAAC a dit…

I think this will be a lot of fun. While I don't seem to have the time to do many DIY projects, I do enjoy seeing what others create. Thanks for sharing and for checking out my theme for next month. See ya around the cyberblock, my friend!
Trudy a dit…
What a fun theme! I enjoy seeing items re-purposed, and will definitely be following along.
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit…
Bravo pour ce nouveau challenge A to Z.
Intéressant le choix de ton thème. Je vais suivre avec intérêt.
Bonne cogitation
Charlie Warren a dit…
Sounds like a fun theme! I recently got into miniature painting. I am starting to delve into the realm of terrain crafting so I should be able to apply some or many of your techniques. Cool.
Anne M Bray a dit…
Great theme! Super cute phone charging idea.
Martha a dit…
This sounds like fun!
Susanne Matthews a dit…
I'm actually really impressed with that idea myself.
Meena Chatty a dit…
This is very exciting theme. I love the concept. All the best for A2Z. I will be here everyday to check out your posts
I'll try to join your textile project if I'm able to sew. I sew by hand, very small pieces for my mixed media art. I'm not a sewing expert.

Can you help participants by suggesting easy textile projects?

A is for ?
B is for bag

C is for cloth cat. I made some simple ones.
D is for?

I'll try to make this list but as you can see, I'm not good in this. :D
Hi Cai, of course!
Check here for some inspiration:
My A to Z quilting Encyclopedia

Here are some ideas (techniques, projects, block or quilt names, etc.):
A: apron, appliqué, B: bags, buttons, butterfly, bookmark, C: cards (textile), Crazy quilt, D: doll, dress, Dog block, Drunkard’s Path block, E: embroidery, Eight-pointed Starblock, F: fabrics, Four patch block, French Knots, G: Geese (Flying Geese block), gauge, Grandmother's Puzzle block, H: House block, heirloom, hand dye, headband, I: infinity scarf, iron, J: Jacob’s Ladder block, K: kitten block, Kansas Star block, L: Log Cabin block, lace, M: mug rug, memory quilt, Morning Gloryblock, N: needle, needle case, Nine Patch block, O: orange (color), Ohio Star block, origami, P: pillow, pincushion, pencil case, Pineapple block, Q: quilt, R: ribbons, Rainbow, rotary cutter, rulers (quilting and sewing tools), S: Star block, sewing machine, softies, slippers, snood, T: thread, travel pillow, tea cozy, U: Union Star block, V: Velcro, W: wallet, Wonder clips, wool, X: X & Plus block, Y: yarn, yoyo, Yankee Puzzle block, Z: Zig Zag block

Have fun!
Dena Pawling a dit…
Fun theme! Love that phone-in-blue-jeans-pocket. Very creative.
Josna a dit…
I love your 2021 theme! Will definitely be following you, and enjoying not only the images and ideas, but the bilingualism!
Anne Higa a dit…
What a great idea. I am going to be looking forward to these. I'm not very crafty, but you might convert me to the crafty side!
This sounds like a fun theme, and I love that you write in two languages. This will give me a chance to practice my rusty French! Good luck with the challenge this year / Bonne chance! :D
Allison a dit…
I LOVE this idea! I used to keep a blog about going green, and reusing was huge for me. Can't wait to get inspiration from your ideas.

- Allison (
Mary B a dit…
Looking forward to your DIY projects. I've got a teaser post, with a followup post occurring on March 22 where I reveal my theme.

Jingle Jangle Jungle
Janet a dit…
How fun it that! Looking forward to getting some new ideas and, if I have one, I'll be glad to share it back.

Janet’s Smiles
AJ Blythe a dit…
Love your theme! I'll definitely be back.
Alana a dit…
I know several quilters, and quilts can be so beautiful as an art form. Our library used to display local quilt art from time to time. I look forward to reading some of your posts. Good luck!
Our Eyes Open a dit…
This is a great topic. My grandmother was a quilter and I still have several of the ones she made with so much love. My hubby uses recycled wood and driftwood to build bird feeders. Great idea! :)
Andrea a dit…
Sounds useful, I'll check out your ideas!
J Lenni Dorner a dit…
Very exciting! I love your theme idea.

J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Anne E.G. Nydam a dit…
Looks fun. I'll have to dig around through my photos for some of my projects so I can join you!
Black and White: Theme Reveal
lissa a dit…
Your theme sounds good. I like upcycling, recycling and DIY, it sounds quite creative. Good luck with the challenge.

Have a lovely day.
Good to see you again. Your theme sounds really interesting, best of luck with it.

My theme reveal!
Carrie-Anne a dit…
I'm a huge proponent of reusing and repurposing things. Too many people these days just throw away items that wear out, rip, or break, instead of repairing them or finding a different use.
Sonia Dogra a dit…
Wish you luck! I have just started to recycle and reuse and will drop by to see what you have to offer.
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Such a wonderful theme you've picked for the year. Looking forward to learn a few DIYs from your posts. I'll have to hunt around the house to see if I can join the additional challenge. This is going to be informative and fun. Good luck. :)
Oh, I love the sound of this. I like the idea of repurposing, although I don't do it much. Can't wait to read! :)
Bonjour Frédérique, j'ai bien hâte de te suivre. Est-ce que tu sais si on peut participer à ce challenge par Instagram? C'est peut-être quelque chose que je pourrais faire. J'ai vérifié dans InLinkz et il est possible de lié une photo Intragram au party. Ca serait beaucoup de plaisir et moins de travail.... à bientôt.
Oh oui Andrée, c'est tout à fait possible ! Tu peux participer à mon challenge dans le Challenge (celui que je propose "We want you!", et lier une photo d'IG), mais aussi directement dans le AtoZ Challenge !
Tu peux lier ton blog sur cette page avec un post pour annoncer ton thème (et continuer sur IG ensuite je pense) : sign up for the Theme Reveal with this form
J'ai hâte de voir tes créations par ordre alphabétique ;)
Olga Godim a dit…
Fascinating theme. I'll definitely check here again.
Frewin55 a dit…
I love upcycling and will bring a couple of projects to the table whilst fulfilling my own target to finish a novel - its going to be emotional...
Love all crafts and i blog Sind of mibdd we in my blog. I’m at.
crgalvin a dit…
Delighted that you are blogging in both French and English, a great topic and I get to practice my French -- then check up on myself. I look forward to following your posts
kitcbe a dit…
Glad to see your post.Thanks for sharing.....
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  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .