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J'aime / Things I like 💖 03/21

Ma liste de gratitude mensuelle.
My monthly gratitude list.

Le mois de février est court, mais il s'est passé plein de choses agréables, belles, et qui m'ont apporté de la joie de vivre !
Voici ce que j'ai aimé et que j'aimerais partager avec vous.

The month of February is short, but it was full of pleasant, beautiful things that brought me joy of life!
Here's what I liked and what I would like to share with you.


💗 Perseverance
L'atterrissage du robot Perseverance sur Mars, et les premières images et les premiers sons. Extraordinaire ! L'exploration spatiale me passionne, tout comme l'observation des étoiles. J'adore !
J'ai lu cet article qui tranche le fait de dire "atterrissage" plutôt qu'"amarsissage", car selon Bernard Pivot, "le mot "atterrissage" désigne l’arrivée depuis l’air d’un véhicule qui se pose sur du solide". (Source :, 2018)

The landing of the robot Perseverance on Mars, and the first images and sounds. Extraordinary! Space exploration fascinates me, just like stargazing. I love it!

💗 Crocus et primevères / Crocus and primroses
L'éclosion des premières fleurs : un peu de couleur qui sort de la neige, c'est magique ! J'adore les crocus, perce-neige et primevères. Les toutes 1ères fleurs. Ca sent bon le printemps 😊

The blooming of the first flowers: a bit of color coming out of the snow, it's magic! I love crocuses, snowdrops and primroses. The very first flowers. It smells like it's Spring 😊

💗 Moineaux / Sparrows
Avec les fleurs, ce sont les oiseaux aussi qui s'éveillent. Vifs et craintifs, mais bien là !

Along with the flowers, it is also the birds that wake up. Lively and fearful, but there!

💗 Soleil / Sun
Et oui, lorsque la lumière pénètre dans l'œil, elle est transformée en signaux électriques qui stimulent notre organisme et provoquent une sécrétion importante des neuromédiateurs responsables de l'humeur et du moral, la dopamine et la sérotonine.
Merci au Soleil qui permet de combattre la dépression saisonnière !
Yes, when light enters the eye, it's transformed into electrical signals that stimulate our body and cause a significant secretion of the neuro-mediators responsible for mood and morale, dopamine and serotonin.
Thanks to the Sun, which helps fight seasonal depression!

Et vous, de quoi êtes-vous reconnaissants aujourd'hui ?
What are you thankful for today?

👀 Join me on Sunday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 👀

🔗Linking up with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color, where you will find links to several other quilters writing about gratitude.


Ulrikes Smaating a dit…
beautiful things to share :0) the landing on mars is great, as a child we take a look to the moonmissions with Apollo on TV...i love it! greetings from denmark, Ulrike :0)
All the signs of spring make me more impatient for warmer weather. I looked to see when the daffodils bloomed last year. We are going to be late this year! My first picture in bloom was taken on March 5... this year they are only 5 inches tall .... but I do see some buds! March brought so many flowers... and surprises in this yard. I need to post another blog post!!!
pretty flowers I love seeing the first of them in spring as you know winter is truly on its way out
piecefulwendy a dit…
What a fun post to read this morning, as our sun is just beginning to shine. I love the photo of the flowers peeking out of the snow! Happy Spring!
Liz A. a dit…
Lovely things to be thankful for. I had no idea flowers grew under the snow. (We don't get snow here, so I have no experience of it.)
Signs of spring are so sweet to see, this time of year!
PaintedThread a dit…
Your spring flowers are pretty! No crocuses here yet - but maybe in a couple of weeks. Yay for the sun - I'm so grateful it's not dark when I'm done working.
Michelle a dit…
All wonderful things to be thankful for! Hard to believe the rover landed on Mars, but exciting all the same. I spent a lot of time outside today in the bright sunshine and warmish weather. Such a nice change! Thank you for linking up.