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A - Z : Reflections, Réflexion

Le Challenge est terminé et j'en suis venu à bout !
Oh boy, I did it! ;)

Mon défi de A à Z avait pour thème la découverte des secrets du monde merveilleux du quilting et du patchwork.
Vous pouvez retrouver tous les billets ici. J’ai vraiment apprécié effectuer des recherches pour chaque billet, en essayant de choisir le meilleur sujet, pas trop évident selon la lettre du jour ! J’ai beaucoup aimé les réactions des visiteurs, souvent des non-quilteurs. 
Merci beaucoup, j’ai apprécié chaque commentaire et visite !

My A to Z Challenge theme was about discovering the secrets of the wonderful world of quilting and patchwork.
You can find all the posts here. I really enjoyed the research for every post, trying to choose the best topic, not too obvious according to the letter of the day! I enjoyed a lot some reactions from the visitors, often not quilters. 
Thank you so much, I appreciated each comment and visit!


En parlant de visites, en avril il y en a eu autour de 200 par jour.
Speaking of visits, in April they were around 200 per day. 

Le top 3 des billets les plus populaires :
The top three most popular posts were:

et les 3 les moins populaires :
and the bottom three less popular posts were:

Je n'ai pas eu autant de temps que j'aurais voulu pour visiter d'autres blogs du Challenge (cette période à été chargée côté boulot), mais j'ai réussi à en suivre plusieurs via Bloglovin', et compléter ma liste chaque semaine.
J'ai particulièrement apprécié ces blogs :

I didn't have as much time to visit other blogs as I would have liked (it was a busy work period), but I manage to follow some of them via Bloglovin', adding more blogs to my follow list every week. 
I especially like these blogs:

Katy est une quilteuse, son challenge est de faire un quilt avec les patrons publiés dans les archives du journal Kansas City Star. Jolis blocs!
Katy is a quilter too, and she was blogging about making a quilt using only patterns from the Kansas City Star newspaper archives. Pretty blocks!

Cat et sa mère Sue sont quilteuses aussi! Cat profite du Challenge pour faire un sampler, basé sur 2 livres : 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks,et Marsha McCloskey's Block Party.
Cat and her mom Sue are quilters too ;) Cat plan to make a sampler quilt during the Challenge, based on two books: 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks, and Marsha McCloskey's Block Party.

Beth est une brodeuse, elle partage ses en-cours. Jolies broderies !
Beth blog about her work in progress, needlework and quilts. Pretty embroideries!

Jackie a eu la bonne idée de faire son Challenge autour des personnages de Game of Thrones ! Et plein d'infos autour de la série. J'adore !
Jackie has the great idea to post about Game of Thrones caracteres! And a lot of informations about the serie. I love it!

Le thème de Zalka, ce sont les contes, les légendes et les mythes à propos de fruits. Très intéressant, et amusant ! Mangez des fruits ;-)
Zalka's Challenge theme is folktales, legends, and myths about fruit. Very interesting, funny and clever! Eat fruits ;)

Lisa est une auteure de fiction, et connait très bien la France : son Challenge est un voyage à travers de magnifiques paysages et des personnages emblématiques. A découvrir !
Lisa is an author, and write for the Challenge about her love affair with France: beautiful landscapes and iconic characters. To see!

Ce n'est que pure fiction mais on aimerait que ce soit réel! Ce Challenge porte sur les nouvelles espèces ou technologies trouvées dans la science-fiction et la fantaisie. Excellent !
Purely fiction but we wish it was real! This Challenge is about new species or technology found in science fiction and fantasy. Great topics!

Et plein d'autres, comme :
And a lot more like:

Et bien sûr un grand merci à toute l'équipe derrière ce Challenge :
And of course a huge thanks to the incredible A to Z Team behind the Challenge:

Merci à tous pour avoir participé, posté, visité, et commenté ! Grâce à vous ce Challenge était amusant et a été une expérience fabuleuse. J'espère vous revoir l'an prochain!

Thank you all for participating, posting, visiting, and commenting! You make the Challenge a fun and incredible experience. Hope to see you next year!

Et pour continuer l'aventure, voici la liste de tous les blogs qui ont participé, et leurs thèmes.
And to continue the adventure, here is the Master list with blog names and themes.

Linking up with A to Z Challenge


Kim a dit…
I found visiting your blog each time and reading all about the finer points of quilting to be thoroughly enjoyable, Frederique. Thank you for all the time effort you put in each post.
Cathy Kennedy a dit…

I was fortunate to visit you a little through the blogfest but like you had more on my plate than I could comfortably manage. It's always interesting and fun to see what others bring to the challenge. Your theme is a lovely idea and a hobby that I very much would like to try someday. Congratulations on finishing this year and happy blogging, my friend! :)

April 2019 Reflections - a look at the #atozchallenge and what I learned
Anne M Bray a dit…
Yay! We did it!
I really enjoyed your posts. You're on my new blog roll on my Pattern blog so I'll keep up to date on all your quilting activities.
I am happy you had a good time with the challenge! I really enjoyed your posts and your colorful picture selections. See you again next year!

The Multicolored Diary
Liz A. a dit…
Yay, you made it through. A great wrap up.
Random Musings a dit…
I managed to visit you a couple of times through the challenge and while I'm not a quilter, I really enjoyed looking at your designs
Thank you so much Kim! Enjoy your Tasmanian Automn ;)
Thank you Cathy, see you soon on your blog!
Houray! Congratulations Anne ;) I'm looking forward to see which new models you will create!
Thank you Zalka, I can say the same about you: your fruit folktales were always interesting and sometimes intriguing! Yes, see you next year ;)
Crazypatch a dit…
Beaucoup de lecture en retard, mais je vais me rattraper et merci pour les liens( mais du coup, cela va me mettre encore plus en retard pour rattraper mon....retard. lol!
Glenda a dit…
Ooooh Fred Dashing is so sew lovely. Love every thing about it, the colours the way you laid out the colours and the quilting is to die for ????? Cheers Glenda
Dena Pawling a dit…
Your quilts are lovely. Congratulations for completing the challenge!
Oui mais ce sera du "bon" retard ;-)
Congratulations on finishing the Challenge :) I've already told you how invaluable your posts are but I'll say it again! As a quilter, your work is most appreciated and if noone else has said it, it's publish worthy. All your A to Z topics were relevant to quilters and would make an awesome resource if put into book form. So happy to make you acquaintance!
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations

Wow, thank you so much Stephanie! <3