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En juillet / Goals for July

Mi-juillet je serais en vacances ! Youpi !!
Mid-July, I will be on vacations, youpee !!

J'espère terminer le quilting de Dashing, et si possible le biais de finition aussi.
I hope I will finish the quilting for the Dashing quilt, and the binding too.

Je suis en retard pour le Rainbow Scrap Challenge, j'aimerais faire 5 blocs ce mois : les 2 turquoises manquants de juin, et les 3 avec la couleur de juillet, rouge et marron.
I'm running late for the RSC, I plan to sew the two missing aqua blocks for june, plus three red-maroon blocks for July.

Voilà mes objectifs pour juillet !
Here are my goals for July!

Linking up with:
Patty's Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal July Linkup.
Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitches (Kathy's Quilts)
Cynthia's Oh Scrap! (Quilting is more fun than Housework)


Lisa J. a dit…
Both quilts are spectacular. So much fun colour in your quilting studio. Good luck with your goals.
It will be fun to see your teal and red houses. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!
Patty a dit…
What a fun quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
Pamela Arbour a dit…
Those blocks are so cute!
Susan a dit…
Your bird houses are really wonderful. Thanks for sharing them!