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En mars / March One Monthly Goal ⏰

Mon objectif du mois : assembler les blocs Modern Drunkard's Path.
My monthly goal for March: assemble the Modern Drunkard's Path top.

C'est un objectif facile puisqu'il n'y a que 18 blocs à assembler. 
Il me reste à les équerrer, les assembler, et réfléchir au quilting. J'ai déjà une petite idée, mais il faut encore quelques croquis pour arriver à ce que je sois satisfaite !

It's an easy goal since there are only 18 blocks to assemble. 
I still have to square them, assemble them, and think about quilting. I already have a small idea, but I need a few more sketches to get me satisfied!

👀 Join me on Sunday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 👀

🔗Linking up with One Monthly Goal /


Rebecca Grace a dit…
Your Modern Drunkard's Path blocks do not look drunk at all -- they look like sophisticated ladies who can hold their liquor. ;-). I look forward to seeing your quilting ideas for this belle projet!
Marly a dit…
Lovely block; have fun trimming and joining them. I hope your brainwave quilting inspiration comes soon!.
Liz A. a dit…
Good luck with your goal.
Bonnie a dit…
That is a great block. And like Rebecca Grace said... they are sophisticated! Enjoy getting them done.
Sharon Kwilter a dit…
What a great challenge. Good luck.
Kim a dit…
Such a pretty block. Love that grey with the aqua blue.
Sharon - IN a dit…
Oh! I do like Drunkard's Path. There are so many variations. Yours is very pretty.

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