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Huahine, Modern Bargello / A finished top 🎵

Le top de Modern Bargello, ou encore Huahine, est terminé. 
Modern Bargello, or Huahine, is a flimsy!

Huahine, Modern Bargello

Tout a commencé par un coup de coeur pour le modèle dessiné par Mary Hattick, des carrés de plus en plus petits, assemblés en bandes décalées. J'ai redessiné le modèle, avec plus de carrés, et plus de bandes.

It all started with a crush on the pattern designed by Mary Hattick, smaller and smaller squares assembled in shifted strips. I redesigned the pattern, with more squares, and more strips.

Pour celui-ci, j'ai eu envie de couleurs, autres que du bleu. En fait ces derniers temps je n'ai fait que des quilts bleus ! Il y a eu Grand Nord, Australis, et Interwoven. Allez hop, du rouge maintenant !
En fouillant dans ma boîte de tissus rouges, j'ai trouvé cet imprimé étoilé, qui fait un peu Noël. Humm, c'est de saison... allez, adopté !

For this one, I wanted colors, other than blue. In fact, lately I've been doing nothing but blue quilts! There was Grand Nord, Australis, and Interwoven. Let's go for red now!
While rummaging through my box of red fabrics, I found this star fabric print, which is a little bit Christmassy. Hmmm, it's in season... ok, adopted!

Des bandes, des bandes et encore des bandes... 
Strips, strips and more strips...

Et encore quelques bandes !
And a few more strips!

La bande 1 devient des carrés
Strip #1 turns into squares

Les autres bandes deviennent des rectangles. Numéros impairs pour les pièces qui seront reliées par une petite bordure : les 2 bandes qui restent seront coupées au fur et à mesure. 

The other strips become rectangles. Odd numbers for the pieces that will be connected by a sashing: the 2 remaining strips will be cut as you go.

Début de l'assemblage des bandes
Assembling pieces into a new strip

ça grandit...
it's growing...

... encore un peu
... a little more

Voilà toutes les pièces assemblées, et les bandes décalées. 
Et c'est là que mon Modern Bargello s'appelle Huahine, dans cette configuration. Si, si, vous allez comprendre !

Here are all the pieces assembled, and the strips offset. 
And this is where my Modern Bargello is called Huahine, in this configuration. Wait, you will understand!

Ceux et celles qui me connaissent savent mon attachement pour la Polynésie française, Tahiti et ses îles. Et parmi ses îles il y en a une qui s'appelle Huahine. Très belle, encore sauvage, elle est chantée notamment par Angelo Neuffer, sur les paroles de feu Bobby Holcomb, 2 artistes très connus localement.
Cette chanson, je l'ai très souvent dans la tête, même encore maintenant. C'est "Huahine Te Tiara'a", et si vous écoutez le solo à 2:27, vous entendrez une mélodie que mon chéri, musicien, a transcrit comme ça :

Those who know me know my love for the French Polynesia, Tahiti and its islands. And among its islands there is one called Huahine. Very beautiful, still wild, it is sung notably by Angelo Neuffer, on the lyrics of the late Bobby Holcomb, two very well known local artists.
This song, I have it very often in my head, even now. It's "Huahine Te Tiara'a", and if you listen to the solo at 2:27, you will hear a melody that my sweet husband, also a musician, transcribed like this:

Voilà, vous voyez, 8 notes : 3 qui descendent, 4 qui montent et 1 qui redescend. Mon quilt.
Here, you see, 8 notes: 3 going down, 4 going up and 1 going down. My quilt.

Maintenant c'est tous les jours que j'aurais cette chanson dans la tête 😂
Now it's every day I'll have this song in my head 😂


la tulipe a dit…
Il est vraiment superbe. Quelle patience!!!
Nanou a dit…
J'adore merci pour ces explications
pascalinette a dit…
très joli et très original,j'aime beaucoup
Kim a dit…
Oh, how clever and lovely is your Modern Bargello - Huahine flimsy. The design is really striking and yes the gold stars on the red is perfect. Thoroughly enjoyed the whys and wherefores behind this quilt. I cannot wait to see how you quilt it.
piecefulwendy a dit…
This is just wonderful! Love the story it tells. Now I need to go listen to the song.
Crazypatch a dit…
Je prends ma flûte pour entendre le même air que tres sympa. Bonne idée.
Emily a dit…
So pretty! And I LOVE that the tessellations of he bargello mimics the notes in the song! How brilliant!
Nann a dit…
What a great design! I like your two-color interpretation....and now I'm printing out Mary's rainbow-color pattern. Merci beaucoup!
Susan a dit…
That's a very modern bargello - well done!
Anonyme a dit…
un seul mot : SU-PER-BE!!!!!il est magnifique.....
Anonyme a dit…
Love it! I had in mind that it had something to do with voice, like digital voice waves. Very cool!
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net
That is just beautiful, Frederique! I love your design and your inspiration!
Liz A. a dit…
Oh yea, I can kind of see the music notes going up and down. Fun.
Anonyme a dit…
Really unusual and awesome!

Joyce a dit…
Great design and superb organization!
Very clever arrangement! Love the end result. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
momto1 a dit…
What a clever way to add more meaning to a quilt! I love your design.
Rebecca Grace a dit…
Oh my goodness; what a cool way to "transcribe" music to fabric! I LOVE it!!
Terri a dit…
I love this-so much movement and it has a very modern look to it!
Norma Schlager a dit…
Your step by step directions were terrific and I also liked your bilingual post. This quilt is wonderful!
Lovely and interesting design. Thanks for sharing.
Very clever and meaningful that you quilt mimics that song. Is your husband playing the electric keyboard in his solo?
Very pretty!! I like the fabrics you chose!
Snowcatcher a dit…
This seems as much fun to make as it is to look at! Well done! It's going to be beautiful!
Beautiful quilt. Love the story and the colors.
Gwyned Trefethen a dit…
What a fascinating Modern twist on an old design. Love it.
What a stunning quilt. Love the story behind it too. I have copied the pattern & can't wait to make my version. thank you for sharing.
This is so pretty, what a lovely interpretation of bargello
Marly a dit…
Lovely design; I like the fabric you used.
So pretty and striking with that bold red fabric!
Anonyme a dit…
This beauty will be featured in tomorrow’s Creative Compulsions.
