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Ensemble / Together

Les magnifiques réalisations des patcheuses confinées.
Some wonderful quilts and small items made by quilters during the lockdown.

France Patchwork a proposé un challenge pendant le confinement - je vous en parlais là et aussi là - pour que nous soyons ensemble, malgré tout.
Il y a eu 8 couleurs annoncées : vert, jaune, bleu, rouge, violet, turquoise, orange et rose. Une couleur par semaine. L'engouement est tel, que certaines participantes veulent continuer au-delà du confinement, et ont rajouté d'autres couleurs pour augmenter leur quilt !
Je n'ai pu participer que pour les 2 premières, par manque de temps.

France Patchwork proposed a challenge during the lockdown - I was telling you about it there and also there - so that we could be together, despite everything.
There were 8 colors announced: green, yellow, blue, red, purple, turquoise, orange and pink. One color per week. The craze is such that some participants want to continue beyond the lockdown, and have added other colors to increase their quilt!
I was only able to participate in the first 2, for lack of time.

Mes petits pique-épingles
My small pincushions

Les réalisations sont partagées sur Facebook, pas encore toutes terminées. Je vous en donne un aperçu, cette page étant amenée à être mise à jour au fur et à mesure que je reçois les autorisations de leurs auteurs :
The creations are shared on Facebook, not all achieved yet. I give you an overview, this page will be updated as and when I receive the permissions from their French makers:

Pacman dévoreur de Covid-19 @Francine Arnal

@Martine Ettori

@Dominique Mouillere

@Mireil Small

@Christiane Martin

@Martine Cretin

@Chri Cri Moreira

Parenthèse @Sophie Aguesse

@Christine Lainé

@Marlyse Heissat

@Nanette Boyer
Mise à jour :

@Valérie Pion

Des couleurs aux fenêtres @Dominique Greliche

@Danièle Astruc

@Colette Trémoureux

@Annie Labruyère

@Pierrette Pignier

@Marie Boop

Certains ne sont pas terminés : si leurs auteurs sont toujours d'accord, je vous les montrerais à nouveau quand ils seront finis !
Some of them are not finished: if their makers still agree, I'll show them to you again when they are finished!

Bravo à toutes !
Congratulations ladies!

Si votre ouvrage n'apparaît pas ici, 
et que vous avez envie de le partager, 
rendez-vous là !

Vous tous qui passez par ici, joignez-vous à moi chaque dimanche pour ma "link party" appelée Patchwork & Quilts, et vous pourrez partager vos photos de ce sur quoi vous travaillez (depuis un blog, mais aussi depuis Facebook, Instagram, ou votre ordinateur, voir l'aide ici). J'aimerais beaucoup les voir !

All of you who pass through here, join me each Sunday for my hosted linky party called Patchwork & Quilts, and you can share your photos of what you’re working on (a link to a blog post but also from Facebook, Instagram, or even from your computer, see here the help). I would love to see them!

Linking up with Wednesday Wait Loss / Midweek Makers / Put Your Foot Down / TGIFF / Off the Wall Friday / Peacock Party / Finish or not Finished / Can I get a Whoop Whoop? / Beauties Pageant


Vicki in MN a dit…
Oh what fun bright projects everyone has done. I remember pac man really well, the first night I played it way too long and saw those little guys in my sleep!!
Turid a dit…
All of them my kind of work. I love them. So inspiring. Thank you.
Liz A. a dit…
Wow. Great work done by everybody.
piecefulwendy a dit…
So many amazing projects. Well done, everyone! I haven't thought of PacMan in so many years! Fun to see. What a fun post!
Sandra Walker a dit…
Wow, absolutely wonderful pieces here, all! So clever, and what a great idea! Ah les Français... si intelligent. :-)
marie Christine a dit…
Bonne idée ce partage de photos des ouvrages du challenge... Le mien est en cours et j'avoue que ce n'est pas facile d'associer tous les blocs faits au fil des semaines sans réflechir au montage final.. Bonne soirée.
Coucou Marie-Christine, si tu veux dimanche tu pourras venir déposer ton lien vers ton avancée. Il faudra un peu de temps avant qu'ils soient tous terminés !
la tulipe a dit…
Plaisir de faire ce challenge et énorme plaisir de voir toute cette créativité tout au long. C'était vraiment génial!
Preeti a dit…
A gorgeous explosion of color and happiness. Just what the doctor ordered to brighten my day :-)
Rose a dit…
I save scraps because that's what I'm supposed to do...right? I have bookmarked this page so I can be inspired by all of the beautiful scrap quilts. Thanks for sharing.
Snowcatcher a dit…
Wow! I feel as if I've been to a quilt show! These are amazing! Great work, all makers!
Angela a dit…
Oh my gosh! So much wonderful creativity! I love it.
Arti a dit…
Visiting your blog and reading this post is like falling into a rainbow Frederique.
Such beautiful work.
I love your pin cushions.
Unknown a dit…
All of these projects are so much fun! Thank you for sharing them with us. I think we can all use a rainbow of color in our lives right now.
chrisknits a dit…
Wow, those are awesome!! Great job on your projects. Love the subtle background color against the citrus colors.
Your Pincushions are a great idea and a fun way to use color!
Nann a dit…
Each interpretation of the theme is wonderful!
Oh, goodness! SEW many wonderful projects in the works!! Thank you for taking the time to share the them all.
Kim a dit…
So many gorgeous makes fashioned by everybody. Love everyone's use of bright and happy colour and fabrics. Love your pincushions.
mfdelille a dit…
Merci Frédérique de partager avec nous.
J'aime bien tes pique-épingles.
Bravo à toutes pour ces jolis patchs si colorés. Une belle idée ce challenge France Patchwork, "ensemble malgré tout".
Mes blocs sont à monter...

How wonderful of you to gather all of these together! Such an impressive display of creativity. Great challenge that encouraged such beauty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Great project. I am sure it must have been fun! Exquisite designs!

My latest blog post: What I am waiting for ...
Beautiful splash of color for this raining day and I love your pincushions. Sunday's are usually lazy computer days but I will try to remember to come and link up with you. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
Anonyme a dit…
Beautiful, inspiring, comforting...thank you