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Rangement / Sewing room organization

J'ai trouvé le chariot de mes rêves !
I found the cart of my dreams!

J'ai vu plusieurs modèles cette semaine, notamment la fameuse desserte Raskog de chez Ikea, mais elle ne me semblait pas assez pratique pour l'usage que je lui réserve. J'ai fini par trouver mon bonheur à la Foir'Fouille, ce petit meuble à roulettes et à plateaux, pour salle de bain me semble-t-il.

I saw several models this week, including the famous Raskog trolley from Ikea, but it did not seem practical enough for the use I have in mind for it. I finally found my happiness in a discount store, this little trolley with wheels and trays, for bathroom I believe.

J'ai pris d'autres paniers pour la photo, maintenant je n'ai plus qu'à trouver de belles boîtes adaptées, et avec le noeud devant !

I took a photo with other baskets, now I have to find beautiful boxes that will fit, and with the bow in front!

Voilà le chariot à sa nouvelle place (tout au bout à droite), il va me servir pour ranger les en-cours et les avoir toujours sous la main, bien organisés plutôt qu'en vrac sur la table de travail !

Here is the cart in its new place (at the far right), it will serve me to store the WIP and always have them ready, well organized rather than with the mess on the work table!

Et vous, quelle est votre petite joie de rangement du moment, dans l'atelier de couture ?
What about you, do you have a new toy in the sewing room which fill you with joy?

Linking up with UFO Busting / Oh Scrap! 


la tulipe a dit…
Belle organisation! Je dérange plutôt que je ne range en ce moment!
I love the shelves under my tables and quilting frame with the canvas boxes in them. I wouldn't mind finding stronger baskets or boxes instead of the flimsy canvas (very light weight) boxes that came with these shelves but they work for now. I like your baskets with the liners and the way you have it all arranged. Having a room that helps us work well is good!
Chantal a dit…
Très bonne trouvaille, Frédérique. J'aimerais bien avoir un espace de rangement sous ma table de coupe comme tu as. Peut-être un jour, je trouverais quelque chose qui me convient. Présentement, j'ai un gros cabinet pour machine à coudre vide. Je pourrais y installer une machine, mais je m'en sers comme table de coupe. Par contre, au travail, j'ai pu garder l'armoire et le classeur avec huche de notre ancienne salle de jeu. Ça c'est vraiment super pour le rangement. Tu peux les voir ici:
Jayne a dit…
Half the battle with getting organized is finding the perfectly right piece to do that! Your cart looks pretty perfect to me!
Toutenquilts a dit…
Super cette trouvaille.
Pas beaucoup d'ordre chez moi… Anciennement, j'avais une salle de couture, mais étant trop difficile à chauffer, elle ne me sert plus qu'au rangement et je couds sur la table de la salle à manger.
My joy this week was doing a sewing room cleanout. It felt great going back in there the next day. I love the idea of a rolling cart...someday. Happy Stitching!
chrisknits a dit…
Mine isn't new, but my ironing station brings me so much joy! It is 18"x25" and has shelves underneath. I wish I had found one with wheels, but this was one I had in my pantry, so no moving it easily.
Your trolley on wheels looks very handy - you could use each shelf for a different purpose! I reorganized my room and storage last year. I didn't get anything new to use in there, but sometimes just rearranging makes a big difference!
maggie fellow a dit…
that does look like a great solution.
Great new storage piece! Enjoy.
Liz A. a dit…
You could make boxes to fit. I mean, you sew. Get some cardboard, and then stitch fabric over it.
Emily a dit…
Great find! It does seem to fit perfectly! So glad that the rolling cart has brought you joy!
Cocopatch a dit…
je louche aussi sur ce type de chariot!! bonne trouvaille!!
Rebecca Grace a dit…
I love your "chariot!" And I like the French word for it better than the English one, too. It sounds more exciting, like your cart is racing around the sewing room with you! :-). My favorite new things in the studio for organization are the wall-mounted racks that my husband made for all of my longarm quilting rulers/templates. I will write a post about them soon with pictures!