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Ajout / More 2020 Challenges

Voici de nouveaux Quilt along et Blocs du mois qui commencent bientôt :
Here are new Quilt Along and BOMs starting soon:

BOM Fairy Friends / Angie Padilla

BOM Stitching and appliqué blocks / Val Lairs

QAL 50 States QOV / Beaquilter

WOOFA Challenge / Cheryll at Gone Stitchin'

Retrouvez tous les projets 2020, ICI.
Check out all the 2020 projects, HERE.


Cocopatch a dit…
finir ses UFOs, ça c'est bien!!!
Chris a dit…
I am sooo tempted by the WOOFA Challenge, but must decline because I want to finish my doctorate and finish writing and publishing 2 books and I have a 20 things for 2020 list and nowhere on that list is complete a quilt and I am going to start one next week. Yup/ After no quilt starts in nearly 2 years, I am going to make the Ella Maria Deacon Quilt.
Kim Sharman a dit…
Some lovely BOM's to be seen here. The little fairy friends are adorable.
verveine et lin a dit…
il y a aussi celui-ci, découvert ce matin chez Fille Aînée:

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