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En septembre / Goal for September

Retour à la couture !
Back to sewing room!

Ce mois-ci, j'ai envie de reprendre mon projet Rainbow. Tout est prêt, les nichoirs et les oiseaux. J'ai même déjà décidé du placement de chaque bloc, et ils sont bien rangés en petits tas par colonne :

This month, I want to come back to my Rainbow project. Everything is ready, the birdhouses and the birds. I even decided on the layout, and each block is arranged in small piles into column:

L'objectif du mois est d'équerrer les 39 blocs, et de commencer à les assembler en colonnes.
My Monthly Goal is to square all of the 39 blocks, and I want to start to assemble them into columns.

Objectif modeste, mais ce mois sera bien chargé !
Modest goal, but this month is going to be very busy!


Chris a dit…
Sometimes we need moest goals. You blocks are going to look amazing all sewn together.
Jayne a dit…
Making progress! I can't wait to see the final results...I love these blocks and have been following along!
Chantal a dit…
Oui, les nichoirs! J'ai hâte de les revoir car je les ai beaucoup aimés individuellement. Je suis certaine que ça sera un quilt fantastique et unique. Bon succès avec ton objectif. ;^)
I'm happy to see that project come out again! It's going to be beautiful!
la tulipe a dit…
Bon assemblage et bon mois de septembre, au travail comme fans tes loisirs. Bises
I'm looking forward to seeing your bird and bird house quilt come together. Best of luck with it!
Karen's Korner a dit…
Such pretty blocks. Looking forward to seeing them altogether.
Susan a dit…
Oh, I like this! What a great grouping of both houses and birds. I look forward to the end of the month!
Liz A. a dit…
I like those birdhouses.
I am really looking forward to seeing these blocks come together. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!
Kim a dit…
Love those bird houses! I cannot wait to see all those pretty blocks all together.
pascalinette a dit…
tu es bien organisée,çà va être beau
Ramona a dit…
I'm excited to see the finish, too. Love your blocks!
KaHolly a dit…
Good luck accomplishing your OMG! When they are all together, it’s going to be a fantabulous quilt!
Lynette a dit…
Nice!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing this one put together. :)
AnnieO a dit…
Very sweet blocks! They will look wonderful all assembled.
Susie H a dit…
Loved those birdhouse blocks from the moment I saw them. Looking forward to seeing you finish this quilt!
Oh, I can't wait to see the birdhouse blocks all together. Thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday.
Patty a dit…
This look wonderful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
Celine a dit…
Jolis blocks, good luck!
This is very fun. I love your color palette.
eileen a dit…
Looking forward to the finished quilt, it's a beauty!!!
Lisa J. a dit…
I love this project so I am happy to see you back at it. Squaring up blocks does take a lot of time. Good luck with this task!
em's scrapbag a dit…
I'm adoring your cute little birds and bird houses. This is going to be an amazing quilt. Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward.

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