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Ruche appliquée / Appliquéd beehive

Les lettres terminées, c'est au tour de la ruche. Tout en appliqué, et un peu de feutrine pour la porte, cousue à points droits. Finalement j'adore le jaune !

Letters are done, now time to sew the beehive. I appliquéd it, with a little piece of felt for the door, and straight stitches. I love yellow!

Ensuite, elle est appliquée sur le fond. Pas complètement en bas, je laisse ouvert au cas où il faille chevaucher un peu le bloc du dessous.

Then, the beehive is appliquéd on the background. Not completely on the bottom, I leave it open in case I will need to overlap a little the bottom block.

La couleur réelle est entre ces 2 photos, pas si flashy que la dernière quand même !
The real color is between the two yellows on the photos, the last one is a little too bright!

Linking up with Oh Scrap! / Slow Sunday Stitching / Show and Tell Monday / Monday Making / Design Wall Monday / Moving it Forward / What I made Monday / Modern Patch Monday / Handmade Monday / Main Crush Monday / BOMs Away 


Miaismine a dit…
Very pretty beehive - I love yellow as well! Your pretty picture caught my eye at Kathy Quilts! Thank you for sharing!
Your beehive is great! I went and looked at your letters, too - are you making a quilt about bees and honey?
la tulipe a dit…
Superbe! Bises
Sarah a dit…
Cute beehive. I like yellow too. Such a happy colour!
Kim a dit…
Your beehive looks fabulous!
pascalinette a dit…
très sympa,je vais guetter la suite
Hi Diann, yes! It's a banner for my sister who is beekeeper, so it involves honey, beehive, and of course, bees!
Fabulous beehive. I love yellow too.

Lisa J. a dit…
A very nice beehive indeed.
Liz A. a dit…
That beehive is so cute.
Susie H a dit…
I love bees and therefore I LOVE YOUR BEEHIVE!!!! Just beautiful

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