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Quilt abeille assemblage / All together

Le quilt bannière prend forme !
Here is my quilt-banner!

Tous les éléments sont là, il ne reste plus qu'un peu d'embellissement.
All the blocks are there, it needs just a little bit of embellishment.

Des abeilles par exemple !
Bees, for example!


Kim a dit…
Your banner is beautiful, Frederique! Love the addition of those little bees.
progress looking very nice
That's going to make a "sweet" banner! :) I love the hexie flowers and bees you're adding.
Chris a dit…
Those little bees make all the difference
That banner is a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
pascalinette a dit…
c'est superbe,bien coloré
Liz A. a dit…
It's coming along nicely.
Ulrikes Smaating a dit…
Hej Frédérique,
the quiltbanner is really beautiful - i love it :0) best wishes from denmark, ulrike :0)
This is really sweet. I love watching this come together.