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Bergeronnette / Bird

Un oiseau noir et blanc :
A black and white bird:

C'est une Bergeronnette grise (Motacilla alba très exactement), il manque un trait de broderie pour terminer les pattes, et un oeil.
She is a Motacilla alba. An embroidered thread will add legs to her, plus an eye, later.

Modèle par moi-même, à partir d'une illustration tirée du livre le Guide ornitho des éditions Delachaux et Niestlé :
Designed by myself, from a drawing found in the book le Guide Ornitho:

Les blocs du Rainbow Scrap Challenge du mois, de couleur sombre et bleu foncé. Les autres blocs des participants sont chez Angela de Soscrappy.
Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks of the month, dark blue and black/dark neutrals. Look at the other RSC blocks at Angela's place, Soscrappy.

Linking up with:
Scraphappy Saturday / Show off Saturday / Oh Scrap! / Main Crush Monday / Monday Making / Show & Tell Monday / BOMs Away / Linky Tuesday / WIPs on Wednesdays / Let's Bee Social / Midweek Makers / Needle and Thread Thursday / Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? / Finished or not Friday


Happy a dit…
What a beautiful bird! I love her! We haven't seen any of that species here (southeast England) but maybe next spring. We are still working on attracting birds to our garden. :)
Couson a dit…
Extraordinaire! Quel talent! Bisous
Chantal a dit…
Qu'il est beau! Je le trouve tellement naturel. Tu as le talent de designer en toi. Bravo! ;^)
I'm so impressed that you could draw up your own paper-pieced bird like that! Looks great!
Laura a dit…
Love your good looking! You've got a good eye for paper piecing design!
Kim a dit…
Your paper-pieced bird is both beautiful and very clever! Looks fabulous with your fabulous bird houses.
PaulaB quilts a dit…
Such a sweet bird. She will be happy to have one of your colorful birdhouses.
I found her name in English: White Wagtail. Maybe you will see her one day around your house!
pascalinette a dit…
bravo pour ton bel oiseau,il est superbe;tu vas avoir un beau patch
Jayne a dit…
Your amazing! I can hear it chirping away! And it certainly is the perfect addition to your lovely bird houses!
You have designed a wonderful block. I love your bird and the bird houses accompany her beautifully :)
Beautiful design for your bird. You really did a lovely job. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
Bonjour Frédérique. Ta bergeronnette grise est super. Elle ira bien avec toutes les maisons d'oiseaux!
JanineMarie a dit…
What a lovely bird design! I really like how you positioned the turned head.
Nähbegeisterte a dit…
I really like "your" bird and it suits the nice little houses. I wish you lots of fun with your blocks.

Greetings the Nähbegeisterte
Turid a dit…
Bravo, il est très beau.
Nann a dit…
I ought to have read the comments first, because I looked up the bird, too -- white wagtail it is. It says it's native to Europe and Asia, migrates to Africa, and is a "scarce breeder" in Alaska. I'm impressed that you created your own paper-pieced design! The birdhouses are charming. (And I appreciate your bilingual entries. I get the nuances of translation.)
Lynette a dit…
Wow! Your bird is so beautiful, and I'm very impressed that you made the pattern yourself. I'm really glad you linked it at BOMs Away. Thank you for including English as well as your French. :)
Cocopatch a dit…
trop joli cet oiseau! bravo!
Which dark BLUE house did you beautiful bird choose?!?!
KaHolly a dit…
Sweet addition to your RSC bird house block collection!
evaj a dit…
Thank you for your inspiration on the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi hug
Run 'n Stitch a dit…
Your little bird is amazing. What a great blue birdhouse quilt.
Susan a dit…
He's adorable - reminds me of a chickadee, one of my favs!

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