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Liste 18 / To-Do Tuesday 📜

Je rejoins Chris de Chrisknits pour partager ma liste de la semaine.
I'm checking in with Chris at Chrisknits to share my to-do list for the week.


Le point sur la to-do liste de la semaine dernière :
Update on last week's to-do list:

     🗙 et bien non, décidément, je n'arrive pas à me décider comment le quilter... J'ai quelques idées, mais le résultat sur papier ne me plaît pas complètement.
     🗙 well, no, I just can't decide how to quilt it... I have some ideas, but I don't fully like the result on paper.

Continuer les blocs pour le QAL Positivity
     ✔ j'en ai fait 4 nouveaux. J'ai 12 blocs Plus pour le moment.
Do more blocks for the Positivity QAL
     ✔ I made four new ones. I have 12 Plus blocks now.

Petite semaine en ce qui concerne la couture. La fin de l'année est un peu dense et fatigante. L'année scolaire n'est pas encore terminée, il n'y a que les cours à l'université qui soient finis. Pas de repos avant encore 15 jours !

Small week as far as sewing is concerned. The end of the year is a bit dense and tiring. The school year is not over yet, only the classes at the university are finished. No rest for another 15 days!


To-do liste pour la semaine du 29 juin au 5 juillet :
To-do list for June 29-July 5:

  • To-do #1
Continuer les blocs pour le QAL Positivity ➕
Do more blocks for the Positivity QAL  
  • To-do #2
Assembler les blocs Noeud papillon 🎀
Assemble Bow Ties blocks 🎀
  • To-do #3
Ecrire un article sur mes objets imprimés en 3D 🧵
Write a post about my 3D printed objects 🧵
  • To-do #4
Eventuellement : laisser la place pour un projet inattendu (on ne sait jamais, mais bon, la semaine est déjà bien courte !) ❔
Eventually: leave room for an unexpected project (you never know, but the week is going to be short!) 

Je n'ose plus noter : quilter Modern Bargello...
I don't dare to note anymore: quilt Modern Bargello...


Et vous, qu'avez-vous prévu cette semaine ? 

And what about you? What are your plans this week?

👀 Join me from Sunday to Thursday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 👀

🔗 Linking up with To-Do Tuesday and my favorite link parties


Linda a dit…
You have some pretty plus blocks Frederique! Good luck on your goals.
piecefulwendy a dit…
Perhaps you will know how to quilt Modern Bargello once you are done with the school year and things are less intense. Your positivity blocks are so cheerful and lovely.
Love your plus blocks, esp the yellow and all on the stark white background! Great!
Bernie Kringel a dit…
Sometimes it is so hard to find the time to sew. No problem. You will get there once your schedule lightens up. Your blocks are wonderful so far!!
Deciding how to quilt something is always a tough decision! Meanwhile your Plus blocks are lovely!
Liz A. a dit…
Ah yes, end of year is always time consuming. I completely understand not getting nearly as much done then, but holidays are soon at hand.
Sharon Kwilter a dit…
Good list. Your blocks turned out nice.
chrisknits a dit…
Sometimes a quilt just doesn't speak to us loudly enough, but someday your top will tell you what it wants! Thanks for playing along with To-Do!! Good luck on your goals for next week!