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Ajout / More 2020 Challenges

Voici de nouveaux challenges gratuits qui ont ou vont bientôt commencer :
Here are new free challenges which already started, or will be soon:

QAL Four Patch Fun / Ellis and Higgs

QAL Summer Star / AQS Blog

QAL By the Sea /Snowy Days Quilting

Jeu de l'été / Boutik ar Patchwork (Fr)

Retrouvez tous les projets 2020, ICI.
Check out all the 2020 projects, HERE.


Pradeep Nair a dit…
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Pradeep Nair a dit…
Le project - QAL By the Sea - est très jolie! :-)
Pradeep Nair a dit…
Le projet, pardon!
Ondrea a dit…
So many lovely challenges. Are you going to do them?
I will host a quilt along myself very soon, so no, not this time ;) Will you?

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