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Best of 2019

Bientôt la fin de l'année !
Soon, the end of the year!

Il s'en est passé des choses en 2019 : encore beaucoup de temps passé à travailler, en plus de mes missions de formatrice de formateurs, j'ai eu la charge de parcours de formation initiale pour des étudiants de master. Ça laisse au final assez peu de temps pour le reste, comme l'entrainement pour les compétitions sportives, et bien sûr la couture !
Bon j'ai quand même pu faire quelques quilts, certains sont même finis !
A lot's happened in 2019: still a lot of time spent working, in addition to my work as a trainer of trainers, I had the charge of initial training courses for master students. In the end, it leaves few time for anything else, like training for sport competitions, and of course sewing!
Well, despite all of it, I was able to managed to quilt some projects, and even to finish some of them!

Allez, faisons un retour sur l'année écoulée :
Ok, let's have a look back on the past year:

Pas facile de trouver de quoi écrire pour chaque lettre de l'alphabet !
Un challenge amusant, à refaire peut-être ;-)

Not easy to blog a post for every letter of the alphabet!
A fun challenge, to redo maybe ;)

La bannière Abeille Etoile pour ma sœur apicultrice

The Bee Star banner for my sister, beekeeper

Mon atelier de couture s'est amélioré !

Improvements in my sewing room!

La liste des challenges, mise à jour au fil du temps, semble avoir plu. Je recommence pour 2020 !

The list of challenges, often updated, seems to have pleased. I'm doing it again for 2020!

Malgré tout, cette fin d'année n'est pas très sereine, je ne parlerais pas des préoccupations sociales qui remuent le pays, je ne m'étendrais pas non plus sur la restructuration annoncée à mon travail qui rend l'avenir incertain, ni même sur le grave accident de voiture de mon neveu en Nouvelle-Zélande. Tout cela est suffisamment anxiogène comme ça pour ne pas s'y attarder encore ici.
Désolée, c'est rare que je parle d'autre chose que de couture et de quilting sur ce blog, mais cette fin d'année est particulièrement difficile...
Despite everything, this end of the year is not very serene, I will not talk about the social concerns that are afflicting French people, nor would I dwell on the restructuring announced at my work that makes the future uncertain, or even about my nephew’s very serious car accident in New Zealand. All this is anxious enough not to dwell on it here. 
Sorry, it is rare that I talk about anything other than sewing and quilting on this blog, but this end of the year is particularly difficult...

Je vous souhaite une bonne année 2020 !
I wish you a good year 2020!


pascalinette a dit…
Je te souhaite à mon tour une bonne année 2020,essayons de garder du positif,quand on est vers le bas c'est obligé de remonter,on y croit
I wish you a much better New Year - I hope your nephew will recover well and that you will find all will be well at work. A Merry Christmas to you
Kim a dit…
What a hard year you have experienced. I hope your nephew will recover with each day. It must be so difficult to have had a serious accident so far away from you all. It is always troubling to be faced with unexpected worries on the work front. Hopefully this will smooth over and if not that a better opportunity will come your way. As for your beautiful quilts that you have fashioned throughout this year. Oh my goodness, you have achieved beautiful results. I am in love with Rainbow; I love all those amazing birdhouses and little birds. Love too, the Bee Star banner you lovingly stitched for your sister. This is such a happy quilt! I hope you find some beauty in the festive season. Sometimes Christmas is just hard, when all is not well with our families, nor indeed our work situation. Take care.
Congrats on seeing the A-Z challenge through! That bee banner is so cute. I hope you enjoy Christmas day. And your new year brings healing and quilting.
Kathryn T a dit…
Oh I am so sorry to hear about your nephews car accident here in New Zealand - I hope he will be okay, indeed an anxious time for you. I was at first on another post, I may do the Pat Sloan childhood games sew along , I enjoy her work.
Liz A. a dit…
The end of the year can be hard for many. I hope your nephew is healing well. I do love that bee quilt.
Cheryl a dit…
Great finishes and I love your sewing room.
Lisa J. a dit…
Your sewing room looks magnificent.
Mel Beach a dit…
What lovely finishes and updates to your sewing space!!
I'm sorry to hear that your year has ended on a low note. I hope you can find some comfort in your quilting. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.
Danice G a dit…
Praying for your nephew and your country, and your work situation. I also rarely mention anything not sewing or quilting related, but sometimes we just need to hear that people love and support us. That is perfectly human and OK. Bless you and your family.
Tami Von Zalez a dit…
I have bookmarked your site so I can visit all of your AtoZ posts. I participated for a number of years, one of the more difficult challenges.
My heart aches for you and France. We don't hear the news of struggles in other countries (you have to seek out the information online). Prayers for your work situation and your family.
Bonne chance Frédérique. J'espère que 2020 commencera mieux que la fin de 2019. Il faut garder continuer à créer de belles choses.
Your Bee Star banner is great. Thanks for linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.
Merci Pascalinette... une belle année à toi !
Cocopatch a dit…
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Cocopatch a dit…
meilleurs voeux, que 2020 te soit plus douce que 2019, que je ne regretterai pas non plus...