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Octobre/ OMG October finish

Le quilt Rainbow commence à prendre forme !
The Rainbow quilt start to look like a quilt!

Première moitié assemblée
First half assembled

Deuxième moitié, il ne reste plus qu'à assembler les 2 :
Second half, now time to assemble the two:

Tadaaaa ! Et voilà !

Objectif mensuel atteint ;-)
OMG achieved ;)

Linking up with To Do Tuesday / Colour & Inspiration Tuesday / Midweek Makers / Wednesday Wait Loss / Needle and Thread Thursday / Put Your Foot Down / Off the Wall Friday / Beauties Pageant / ScrapHappy Saturday 


Kim a dit…
Oh my, your Rainbow quilt is a work of art! How sublime it is!
I love your bird houses and birds - what a totally cute modern quilt
That is such a beautiful quilt - one of my favorites! Congratulations on meeting your goal!
Home Sewn By Us a dit…
Hi Frederique! Wow - this quilt top is looking fabulous. Did you make up the pattern yourself? I love the pieced blocks mixed in amongst the bird houses. Very cute and congrats on finishing your OMG project. Thank you also for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne
Liz A. a dit…
Oooh, I like it.
Julierose a dit…
Just a lovely finish--I love those bird houses...nice work hugs, Julierose
Perfect, so cute. Makes me dream of the spring I wish we'd had this year.
Je suis son évolution depuis le début, il est superbe! Bravo
Chantal a dit…
Oh.My.Sizzling Bacon! Il est formidable! J'adore tout simplement. J'avais hâte de le voir assembler et je ne suis vraiment pas déçu. C'est une beauté! Félicitation pour avoir relevé ton défi. ;^)
Emily a dit…
Wow! This is so beautiful!
Kayster a dit…
Your quilt is lovely. What pattern is it?
pascalinette a dit…
c'est beau,j'aime beaucoup
Passe une bonne journée
Hi Roseanne! Yes, I made the pattern and some of the birds too. I forgot to add the link to the post related. You can click on the "quilt Rainbow" tag to see all the previous posts. Have a great day!
Thank you Kay! I made the pattern, and some of the birds too, paper pieced. Click the "Quilt Rainbow" tag to see previous posts, including the pattern to download
Lisa England a dit…
Oh wow, it is just beautiful! I love the variety of birds and houses.
Love the rainbow of birdhouses.
Patty a dit…
Wow - that is just amazingly awesome! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
Laura a dit…
I agree with your other commenters, your quilt is lovely!
Vicki in MN a dit…
Super cute rainbow quilt!
Bernie Kringel a dit…
Amazing!! I love your work - this is so pretty and the patterns are really lovely!
WOW! I absolutely love this quilt. Stunning.
Quilter Kathy a dit…
It's fabulous! I love all the little bird blocks tucked in between the birdhouses... great job!
Gemini Jen NZ a dit…
J'adore! I love the birdhouses and it is very cool how you have used a rainbow theme. Great work!
MissPat a dit…
So glad you've finished this. I've wanted to make some of the birdhouses ever since you first showed them.
Deb A a dit…
Beautiful job. Love the little chickadees sitting on the branch.
Jenny a dit…
Beautiful, you are so creative!
Sue SA a dit…
Your quilt looks very beautiful, congratulations on such a lovely finish.
Kayster a dit…
Thank you ❤️👍🏼
Susan a dit…
This is looking so good! I've really enjoyed seeing it come together over the months.
Susie H a dit…
I love it!!!! So colorful and I love the added life additions of the birds. Fabulous!!!
Wow what a gorgeous quilt! Love those birds. Love those houses. The rainbow coloring just makes this perfect. Thanks for linking to Wednesday Wait Loss.
Looking forward to seeing how you decide to quilt this beauty!
What a pretty quilt! Love the birds and bird houses! Quilt Fabrication Showcased your quilt! Congratulations!
I live in La Vernia, Texas - who is from Pleasanton, Texas. Would love to hear from them! my blog is
Anonyme a dit…
This is just spectacular!!
Kathleen, kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Rosemary a dit…
I love that quilt ... Is the pattern available. It's just so bright and colorful and it is bird houses! Perfect!
I just found your blog and am looking forward to future blogs ..
Thank you Rosemary! I made the pattern, and some of the birds too, paper pieced. Click the "Quilt Rainbow" tag to see previous posts, including the bird house patterns to download
shoshu a dit…
this rainbow quilt is just so gorgeous, i love it!
shoshu a dit…
is there any way to get hold of a pattern for this beauty?
Thank you Shoshu! Click the "Quilt Rainbow" tag to see previous posts, including the bird house patterns to download.
Vivian a dit…
Sending more admiration from the future for another phenomenal RSC finish! I love those birds.
Years ago there was a series pattern in Quilters Newsletter magazine with bird blocks similar to yours that I always wanted to make. Just stunning!

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