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Rouge encore, et les patrons ! / Red again, and patterns!

Enfin les vacances, j'ai un peu de temps pour coudre ! Et donc, voilà le bloc rouge de la semaine !
Finally the holidays, I have some time to sew! So, here is the red block of the week!

Pour le centre, j'ai pris un des tissus du bloc bleu-vert.
For the center, I used one of the teal fabric.

Et comme vous êtes nombreuses à me demander le patron de ces nichoirs, les voilà ! Avec la permission de Judith bien sûr.
And as you are a lot to ask for the pattern, here they are! With the permission of Judith of course.

Linking up with:
Let's Bee Social / WIPs on Wednesdays / Needle and Thread Thursday / Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? / Finished or Not Friday


Sandra Walker a dit…
Que j'adore tes nichoirs! Le rouge n'est pas mon couleur préféré, mais je me trouve en amour avec tous les rouges ce mois!
KaHolly a dit…
This is going to be one sweet quilt!
Suze a dit…
Thnk you and Judith for sharing this charming pattern with the quilting world (literally the world). You are very generous to take time from your quilting time to add this to your blog. Thanks for going the extra miles to "keep things kosher" and get all the permissions as one should do and giving due credit. These birdie homes are just delightful. Now I am even more inspired to piece. Thank you very, very much for sharing not only the patterns but also your beautiful, inspirational work. Susan
Another beautiful birdhouse! I like the alternating fabrics! So nice of you and Judith to share the patterns with everyone!
madeline a dit…
thank you for posting this i have wanted to try but couldn't figure out how...
Thank you Susan! It seems natural to me to give credit to whom is concerned ;)
I hope you will enjoy making birdhouses as I do! Have fun!
Have fun stiching one (or more) of them ;)
I am so in love with your birdhouse blocks! They are enchanting. Are you mostly doing the wonky houses, or half and half? This will be such a cute quilt.
Lisa J. a dit…
It's another pretty one!
Glenda a dit…
Hi Fred I'm in love with your red block I thought it was a wee red birdhouse when I saw it, I just love it. You will need to add some wee birds on this quilt as they look like wee bird houses to me ???? Cheers Glenda
Marie a dit…
Merci Frédérique de ton passage sur mon blog ,c'est sympa!
A moi d'en faire faire pareil et cela sans regret aucun,un trés agréable blog dont je découvrirais les travaux au fur et a mesure.
A bientôt
Thank you Nancy ;) I'm sewing one wonky birdhouse for two "regular" ones, the game will be to find them once the quilt will be finish :)
Thank you Glenda. Yes, I already have two bird blocks, one blue, one purple, and the next one will be red!! There are so many different birds, just fun to pick one according to his colors!
Merci Marie Mathilde, bienvenue dans mon petit monde ;-) J'ai découvert ton blog grâce à Esther, et je reviendrais également !
They are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Kate a dit…
Beautiful blocks! Both are so bright and colorful.
pascalinette a dit…
j'aime beaucoup le nichoir en rouge mais c'est vrai qu'il faut alterner les couleurs vives avec des plus froides,je suis impatiente de voir l'ensemble
Ils sont vraiment très beaux tous ces nichoirs. Je vous remercie aussi pour les modèles que vous nous offrez.
Merci et bonne journée. Germaine
Kris a dit…
The red one is adorable!
Martine Kuciel a dit…
bonjour, j'ai enfin un moment pour consulter tranquillement ton blog très joli ces nichoirs colorés impatiente de voir les prochains
Bernapatch a dit…
Merci pour ton passage sur mon blog ! J'aime beaucoup ces nichoirs .....Peut-être feras-tu les oiseaux qui vont avec ? A bientôt!
Avec plaisir ! Bonne journée et bonne couture !
Merci pour ta visite ;-) Oui les oiseaux sont prévus, j'en ai déjà 2, bientôt 3 !
What a wonderful idea! I am looking forward to seeing the whole quilt very much.
Tu-Na Quilts a dit…
I've admired your beautiful little birdhouses for awhile now. Thank you and Judith for making them available. I'll be making some of these for sure!
MissPat a dit…
Thank you so much to you and Judith for sharing the pattern for the bird houses. I, too, have been admiring them and even went back through your blog looking for the pattern. I suspect there will be a lot of them popping up now.
Miaismine a dit…
So cute! Thank you for sharing!
Feel free to use these patterns, I'm so happy you like them! I have a lot of fun making these birdhouses! I'm looking forward to see yours.
You're welcome! I have so much fun making these birdhouses, I hope you will enjoy making them too!

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