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Dashing est terminé ! / A finish!

Après le quilting, l'étape bande de finition :
After the quilting, time to attach the binding to the quilt:

Merveilleuses pinces !
Wonderful clips!

J'utilise la méthode "tout machine" pour la 1ère fois : la bande est d'abord cousue à la machine sur l'envers du quilt avec un petit 1/4''. Ensuite elle est rabattue sur le devant, et piquée au ras, en prenant soin que la couture soit juste en avant de la bande de finition vue de l'arrière. Rapide, nette, efficace !

I'm using for the first time the "all by machine" binding method: stitching the binding on the back first, using a scant 1/4'', then flipping it around to the front, and top stitching along the edge of the binding. The front sewing line needs to be just ahead of the binding from the back. Quick, neat, efficient!

Sur l'envers (mignon ce tissu, non ?), la ligne de couture du devant dépasse au ras de la bande
From the back (cute fabric, no?), the front sewing line just ahead of the binding

Sur l'endroit, la ligne de couture au ras de la bande de finition
The front stitching line, along the edge of the binding

Et voilà le quilt Dashing terminé !
And here is my Dashing quilt done!

J'adore ce tissu de dos !
I love this backing fabric!

Le voilà à plat, la bande de finition bariolée va bien !
Dashing lying flat on the floor, the scrappy binding looks great!

Dashing, 34.5" x 41" (88 cm x 104 cm), 2018

Un modèle de Corey Yoder
Patchwork piécé et quilté machine
Temps de réalisation : 63 heures

A pattern by Corey Yoder
Pieced and quilted by machine
Completion time: 63 hours

De profil on voit bien le quilting !
From the side, the quilting pop!

Pendant la séance photo je l'ai vu de dos, en transparence, sympa aussi ;-)
During the shooting I saw it from the back, with the window behind, nice too ;)

Fini ! Ah non, il manque l'étiquette...
Done! Hmm no, the label is missing...


Félicitations! Il est superbe! Bisous
Oh this turned out so wonderful! LOVE the pops of color in the binding!
chrisknits a dit…
What a great finish! I love the blibs of color on the binding, an idea to tuck away for future use.
Shelina a dit…
This is beautiful. I love the little pops of color around the binding.
Toutenquilts a dit…
Félicitations, il est magnifique. J'aime beaucoup l'originalité de la bande. Le quilting est splendide aussi.
pascalinette a dit…
il est magnifique(je me redis non?)
Merci ! Voilà un quilt que j'ai bien aimé faire ! Bises
Merci ! La bande toute blanche aurait été tristounette ;-)
Je prends tous les compliments, même répétés ;-)) merci merci !
Kris a dit…
Wow this is beautiful and I love the little pops of color in the binding.
That is a beautiful quilt and I love all the quilting on it. The binding pops with those little bits of color. Great job!
Denise a dit…
Absolutely beautiful finish!
Vraiment beau! Congrats! Love all those beautiful colours, and perfect binding.
Lisa J. a dit…
It's beautiful!
Kerry a dit…
Wow - gorgeous - tres belle!
PaintedThread a dit…
It's lovely! That quilting is terrific.
Tu-Na Quilts a dit…
Beautiful!! Those pesky labels! I have a lot of quilts that just don't get any because I don't like making them. What to use? What to say? How big? Too much thought after something I am finally glad to be done. Maybe you think differently.
dq a dit…
I love everything about this quilt from the colors, to the pattern, to the quilting, to the little splashes of color in the binding! YOu have done a fantastic job!
Merci Ann! I enjoyed making this scrappy binding!
I feel like you, not knowing what to write, and how. It will be my first label ever... That's part of my good resolutions for the year, making labels ;))
Jayne a dit…
It's gorgeous! Congrats on the beautiful finish! I've never machine sewn a binding on ... yet! I love hand stitching!
Ramona a dit…
This is a gorgeous quilt. What a great finish. The backing fabric is adorable and it's finished off so nicely with the pops of color in the binding.
Vicki in MN a dit…
Oh wow I love how the quilting gives it soooo much texture-looks like the blocks want to jump off the quilt!
Melanie a dit…
Stunning quilt!!!!
karenbbsnow a dit…
Beautiful colours and amazing quilting, I love how the design pops!
Very beautiful quilt.
Thank you Jane!
It was a first time to me, and it occurs to be much more easier than I expected!
Celtic Thistle a dit…
Fabulous finish! I love the backing fabric too :)
canuckquilter a dit…
Dashing est magnifique. J'adore les couleurs et le patron, et j'aime bien les petits accents dand la bande de finition. Je suis d'accord, les petites pinces sont merveilleuses pour la finition :)
Wow! I'm not familiar with this Corey Yoder pattern ... Your rendition is beautiful and cheerfully colorful. : )

I have to say, for a first go at it, your machine-binding is spot on. (I exclusively machine-bind.) Do you think you'll machine-bind future projects, or do you still prefer hand-tacking the back?
Such a lovely quilt! I love the bits of bright colors in the binding!
Thank you Michelle! I enjoyed a lot machine binding, as I love to learn new techniques! It's perfect for projects that have deadlines, and I guess I will keep both technique, depends on the projet.
dq a dit…
This quilt is stunning in every way from color to quilting! I love it!
Vivian a dit…
Sending major admiration from the future! This was a really great RSC finish. I love the quilting you did on it too. You know what I'm going to ask: did the label ever get on this one? Even if it's only your name and where you made it I really hope it's been done. If this one survives far into the future, everyone needs to know the artist that created it!
Thank you for reminding me the label... still not attached ;)

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