Merci à tous ! ❤
Thanks to everyone who joined in and entered my giveaway for this month
celebrating my 10th blog anniversay. ❤
Two lucky followers are going to be getting a 20$ gift voucher from Green Fairy Quilts, and a 25$ gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop. I know you are all excited so let's get to it!
Tirage au sort du 1er gagnant... 46 ! Félicitations à Chris ! 🎁
The first winner is... 46! Congrats to Chris! 🎁
Tirage au sort du 2ème gagnant... 137 ! Félicitations à Lindsay ! 🎁
And the second winner is... 137! Congrats to Lindsay! 🎁
Bravo à Chris et Lindsay, Chris pour le bon d'achat de 20$, et Lindsay pour celui de 25$
Well done to Chris and Lindsay, for each winning a voucher. Chris the Green Fairy Quilts', and Lindsay the Fat Quarter Shop's, I send you an email.
Merci à tous pour votre participation ! Et si vous n'avez pas gagné cette fois, il y aura un autre jeu-concours chaque mois, pendant 10 mois ! Et c'est simple de participer !
Thank you to everyone that entered! And if you didn't get lucky this time, don't worry, I have a great giveaway every month for 10 months, and it's easy to enter!