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Expo en Utah / HMQS in Utah

Début mai, le "HMQS", Home Machine Quilting Show, a fêté ses 10 ans à Salt Lake City. Voici quelques photos prises par Christa Quilts :
Here are some pictures taken by Christa Quilts, about the great HMQS, Home Machine Quilting Show, in Utah:

 Super Star by Marilyn Badger 

 Elsa’s Knot by Ann Helbling and Clem Buzick

 Bell Star by Jo Ann Blade and Kim Diamond

 Me and My Shadow by Gail Stepanek and Ronda K. Beyer

Shimmering Symphony by Karlee Porter 

Young Women’s Values by Ann Seely

Riley Blake Fabric Challenge #15 by The Midnight Quilters

Fettucci Sunrise by Corinna J. Weir
