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Journée d'Amitié, technique du Boro / Guild Meeting ✂️

Suite de notre Journée de l'Amitié dédiée au Boro
Continuation of our Friendship Day dedicated to the Boro


Je vous racontais la première partie de notre Journée d'Amitié dans cet article, et la passionnante présentation du travail de Jean-Michel. L'après-midi a été consacrée à la mise en pratique de la technique du Boro, ou l'art de la reprise.

I told you about the first part of our Friendship Day in this post, and the exciting presentation of Jean-Michel's work. The afternoon was devoted to the practice of the Boro technique, or the art of mending.

Attention, cet article va être un peu long, avec de nombreuses photos !
Warning, this post will be a bit long, with many photos!

Comme d'habitude, nous étions un petit groupe de 20 quilteuses, ce qui représente un assez bon pourcentage de participantes. Nous sommes une petite délégation France Patchwork, dans un département rural et peu peuplé, avec 27 adhérentes seulement. Rien à voir avec les délégations qui comptent 150 à 200 adhérentes, pour nous l'organisation des Journées d'Amitié est probablement plus simple 😇

As usual, we were a small group of 20 quilters, which represents a fairly good percentage of participants. We are a small France Patchwork delegation, in a rural and sparsely populated department, with only 27 members. Nothing to do with the delegations that have 150 to 200 members, for us the organization of the Friendship Days is probably easier 😇

(Clic pour agrandir / Click to enlarge)

Après la distribution des fiches d'animation et des tissus offerts, chacune s'est mise au travail : réaliser une pochette en Boro.

After the distribution of the animation sheet and fabrics offered, each one put herself at work: to carry out a pouch in Boro.
Les explications laissaient une large place à la créativité et à son imagination propre, ce qui n'a pas été facile pour tout le monde. Mais les patcheuses sont très fortes en aide et soutien, et aucune n'a été laissée désoeuvrée. 

The explanations left a lot of room for creativity and own imagination, which was not easy for everyone. But the quilters are very good at helping and supporting, and none of them were left behind.

Quand chacune a été satisfaite de son choix de pièces et de leur disposition sur le tissu de fond, il a été temps de passer à l'étape de broderie.

Once everyone was happy with their choice of pieces and their placement on the background fabric, it was time to move on to the embroidery step.

Les techniques sont variées : l'une préfère tracer avant de coudre les points droits avec le fil contrasté, une autre commence par broder les contours de chaque pièce, une autre se lance dans le remplissage des pièces. Chacune sa technique !

The techniques are varied: one prefers to trace before sewing the straight stitches with a contrasting thread, another starts by embroidering the outlines of each piece, another starts filling the pieces. Each one has her own technique!

Le rendu final est superbe, j'adore ! Bravo à toutes !
The final result is gorgeous, I love it! Congratulations to all !

Protège cahier de Yolande / Notebook cover

Pochette de Pauline, recto / Pouch

Pochette verso

Travail de Myriam

Travail de Jeannine

A bientôt pour la suite : je ne vous ai pas encore montrer les quilts qui ont été exposés à cette Journée d'Amitié !

See you soon for the rest: I haven't yet shown you the quilts that were exhibited on this Friendship Day!

👀 Join me from Saturday to Wednesday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 👀


Si je pouvais encore tenir une aiguille je pense que j'adopterais cette technique que j'aime beaucoup 😉 sympa cette journée
Claudine/canelle a dit…
Merci pour ce partage et surtout bravo à toutes pour leur travail respectif
Bises Frederique
such a variety of work and people. The same as with quilt groups in the US. Everyone looks to be enjoying their work so much
By the time I need patches for anything, it is too far gone!! But the technique is beautiful, and we really don't need to actually patch... to play, do we? The ladies all look like they were quite successful!!!
Liz A. a dit…
Oooh, some very nice pieces.
Marianne a dit…
superbe et joli cours, j'aime beaucoup cette technique.
What fun work!!! It looks like you all are having a great time - and your finished projects are beautiful
Bonjour Frédérique, quelle belle journée d'amitié. J'aime bien les pièces boro qui ont été créés. C'est si plaisant de coudre et broder à la main! À bientôt, Andrée
Angela a dit…
These are fabulous pieces! So great to spend some stitching time with friends!
Kim a dit…
Frédérique, I have loved strolling through each one of your photos and looking at each exquisite Boro creation the ladies have fashioned! You all looked as if you had the best of times playing with fabrics, designing, stitching, chatting......♡ And I must say, what a gorgeous light-filled room with pretty quilts on display that you were in. How wonderful you have a happy band of stitchers/quilters who meet together and just have fun!
Bernapatch a dit…
Un travail à la carte et de bien jolies réalisations !
Quilter Kathy a dit…
It makes me sooo happy to see all these folks hand stitching! I wish I was at that class! Thank you for sharing this wonderful day with us!
Ivani a dit…
Looks like you all hás a great time together. Beautiful pieces and very interesting, Frédérique.
Linda a dit…
Frederique it looks like so much fun, I would love to be at that class! The Boro projects are lovely, thank you for sharing them with To Do Tuesday!
What a lovely day you had! That Boro technique fascinates me. Perhaps I'll do that one day. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
How enjoyable to sew together, and learn new things together! Looks like a great time!
Muv a dit…
Hello Frédérique, What a wonderful time for you all, surrounded with friends, fabric and thread! Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks - Jeannine's work is project of the week. Such beautiful colours and stitching!
Love, Muv.
une belle JA! Avec le stitchclub d'Alison Glass, je vais tester ce point simple comme tout!
Rebecca Grace a dit…
How wonderful to see all of you working together in your Friendship Group! I loved seeing how each quilter interpreted the Boro exercise differently. Also, are we supposed to warn readers when it's a really long blog post with a million pictures? I did not get that memo... ;-)

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