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Ajout #2 / More 2022 Challenges

Voici de nouveaux challenges qui commencent en janvier. Attention, il y en a beaucoup d'un coup !
Ceux qui sont payants sont signalés par un 💲 :

Here are some new challenges starting in January. Warning, there are a lot of them at once!
Those that are not free are marked with 💲:

👀 Join me from Sunday to Thursday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party 👀


Barbara a dit…
Hello Frédérique,
You show us beautiful BOMs here for 2022. My absolute favorite is "Harmony" - I love mandalas and I'm really looking forward to it.
Greetings Barbara
so many interesting BOM's out there - they are all so pretty - are you joining any of them?
Thank you for collecting all these opportunities to join in!
ChezVies a dit…
Those QAL are so tempting but I am bad at following QAL or SAL , I will just sit and admiring everybody’s beautiful works 😀
Hi Karen, yes but I'm still trying to decide wich ones ;))

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