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Un nouveau mois, une nouvelle couleur. En août, ce sera orange pour le Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
New month, new color. For August it's orange for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Petite histoire : si ce billet est posté aujourd'hui c'est que j'ai anticipé ! Anticipé quoi me direz-vous ? Eh bien la couleur donnée par Angela en début de mois pour le Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
Parce que voyez-vous je suis en vacances, et ce bloc je l'ai fait avant de partir, avant de connaître la couleur...
Cela dit le challenge court jusqu'en octobre, et il reste 3 couleurs : orange, bleu foncé, et vert foncé. Je me suis dit que le orange serait pour octobre (Halloween oblige), peut-être bleu foncé pour août, avec les vacances, la mer et tout, et vert foncé pour septembre parce que... parce que c'est la rentrée ;-) Je sais, aucun rapport.
Bref, je me suis trompée, mais j'avais quand même prévu un bloc de chaque couleur avant de partir, et voilà l'orange ;-)

I will tell you a story: if this post is published today it's because I anticipated well! Anticipated what, you may ask? Well the color given by Angela at the beginning of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 
Because dear quilters friend, I am on holiday, and I made this block before leaving, before knowing the color... 
Anyway, the challenge is running until October, and there are three colors left: orange, dark blue, and dark green. I said to myself that orange will be saved for October (Halloween is in the air), maybe dark blue for August, with the holidays (at least in France), the sea and everything related, and the dark green for September because ... because it is back to school ;) I know, no relationship.
Anyway, I was wrong, but before leaving I made a block in each color, and here is the orange one ;))

Linking up with:
Scraphappy Saturday / Show off Saturday / Oh Scrap! / Main Crush Monday / Monday Making / Lynette's BOMs Away! / Katie Mae BOMs Away!Linky Tuesday / WIPs on Wednesdays / Let's Bee Social / Midweek MakersNeedle and Thread Thursday / Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? / Finished or not Friday


Suze a dit…
You are clever to make a birdhouse in each of the remaining colors. The orange birdhouse is stunning. As I see each new birdhouse in the monthly color, I find it difficult to find a favorite.
Marie a dit…
Et bien je pense que ce nichoir correspond bien a la chaleur qui a pris le dessus cet été!
Bien sûr Hallowen aussi réclame cette couleur!
Tous ces petits nichoirs seront fin prêt pour cette hiver manque les petits oiseaux pour s'y installer....
Délicieux dimanche
Laura a dit…
You are the smart one! Love the orange birdhouse, and hope you are having a wonderful holiday!
Patti a dit…
Do you have a pattern for you birdhouse?? I just love it. Thanks
Patti a dit…
Sorry about that, I just found it!!
KaHolly a dit…
You’re so smart! Happy holiday!
pascalinette a dit…
il est bien lumineux en orange,çà va mettre du peps dans l'ensemble
très bonnes vacances
Enjoy your vacation! I have tried to guess the next months color too and have always been wrong. Pretty smart of you to work ahead. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!
gayle a dit…
Enjoy your holiday!
I love this orange birdhouse - it's my new favorite!
Karen's Korner a dit…
You have a nice blend of oranges in your pretty bird house.
Bonnie a dit…
Nice job guessing the color -- bright and fun!
a cute bright bird house!
works4me a dit…
Very nice birdhouse.
Your block is great! And now you're all set for the rest of the year. I hope you're enjoying your holiday!
Judy Biggerstaff a dit…
Love your orange bird house.
Susan a dit…
Such cute birdhouses! They are going to make for a very fun quilt
Tu-Na Quilts a dit…
I, too, have had such fun following your cute birdhouses each month. Enjoy your holiday!