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Deep Purple

Non, je ne vais pas parler de rock...
No, this is not about Rock n'Roll!

Mais de mon nouveau bloc Nichoir, violet, puisque c'est la couleur du mois pour le Challenge Rainbow Scrap (eh oui Marie-Claire, encore un nichoir ;-)).
It's about my new Birdhouse block, purple, as it's the February color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Comme les précédents bleus, le centre est dans une couleur complémentaire.
As for the previous blue blocks, the heart is with complementary color.

J'avais des doutes (un peu) pour le tissu vert, mais finalement j'aime bien ce bloc ;-)
I was a little afraid about this green fabric, but finally, I like this block ;)

Et pour le projet #dashingcorianderquilts, voici d'autres blocs violets :
And for the #dashingcorianderquilts project, here are some other purple blocks:

Linking up with:
Angela's Scraphappy Saturday (Soscrappy)
Carolie's Show off Saturday (SewCanShe)
Cynthia's Oh Scrap! (Quilting is more fun than Housework)


I hope you enjoyed sewing your purple projects as much as I enjoyed viewing them. Beautiful!
Thank you for sharing your work on Show Me Something Purple. I like the contrast of the purple with the white background on your churn dash and star blocks.