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Novembre / OMG November Finish 🍁

L'objectif du mois est atteint !
The monthly goal is achieved!

Je me suis engagĂ©e en dĂ©but de mois Ă  commencer le quilting de Santa in the Woods. C'est fait, et mĂȘme pas mal avancĂ© ! Il reste une grande zone sur la gauche, mais ce sera pour plus tard.

At the beginning of the month I committed myself to start quilting Santa in the Woods. It's done, and quite advanced! There's still a big area on the left, but that's for later.

Des lignes courbes autour et au pied des arbres, des lignes droites inégales entre. Tout ça pour suggérer les couches de neige.

Curved lines around and at the foot of the trees, uneven straight lines in between. All this to suggest the layers of snow.


Rejoignez-moi chaque dimanche pour ma link party Patchwork & Quilts, et vous pourrez partager vos photos de ce sur quoi vous travaillez. J'aimerais beaucoup les voir !
Join me every Sunday for my linky party called Patchwork & Quilts, and you can share your photos of what you’re working on. I would love to see them!


Gretchen Weaver a dit

Your Santa in the woods is very cute and it's finished! Happy stitching!
Karen - Quilts...etc. a dit

love your Christmas trees and the red santa adds a special touch
Kim a dit

Well done on achieving your goal. I must say your quilting is beautiful.
Linda a dit

Your quilting really does suggest layers of snow - nice job! Love the trees. Wish I had time to make one of these for my daughter, who is really into tree decor in her house this year.
Bonnie a dit

That is adorable! Congrats on reaching your goal this month!
LIttle Penguin Quilts a dit

That turned out wonderfully, Frederique! You're finishing this quilt with perfect timing for the season!
Kathy S. a dit

Love the quilting on the trees. Congrats on your almost OMG finish! You're almost there.
Liz A. a dit

Congrats. Isn't it nice when you manage to complete the task you set yourself? It's looking good.
Patty a dit

I love this quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
Super pour ton challenge. Bravo Frédérique pour le quilting qui est bien avancé.
Un joli panneau qui sera prĂȘt pour le 25.12
Marie-Françoise de Lille a dit

Bravo pour ton challenge de novembre. Super le quilting est bien avancĂ© et met bien en valeur cette jolie forĂȘt de sapins.
Le panneau sera prĂȘt pour le 25.12

Désolée du doublon, mais petit souci d'enregistrement....

pascalinette a dit

j'aime beaucoup ton quilting,çà rend bien;bises
Judy Hansen a dit

Great job on matching the quilting to the theme of the quilt. Your "snow" quilting looks great, and the lines in the trees too. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays - I always like to see what you are working on. Congrats on OMG, Judy
Preeti a dit

I can almost picture myself walking through that snow-covered path between the trees. My big feet make deep imprints in the thick snow...
Congratulations on achieving the goal, Frederique. Hugs to you.
Jayne a dit

I've always love this design and you nailed the snow vibe perfectly!
the 4 M's a dit

Il est super beau ce quilt! J'aime come les sapins de Noel ont l'air d'etre dans la neige!
For the love of geese a dit

Congrats on the goal. Your quilt is lovely and I love the quilting. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
Vireya a dit

Santa in the Woods is very cute! Lovely quilting.
Lynette a dit

Your approach is a clever, successful way of suggesting the snow layers - and it looks like you have something interesting planned for that area on the left. Look forward to seeing it!
Cheryll a dit

Looks great too. Well done.
Gwyned Trefethen a dit

What an absolutely adorable quilt. Love the Santa surprise amongst the trees. Your choice of quilting motif is perfect.
Sharon - IN a dit

That Santa in amongst the trees is adorable!
Alycia~Quiltygirl a dit

How great!!! You made such an adorable quilt - and I love the quilting on it!
Jenny a dit

Such a cheeky Santa hiding in the woods, your Christmas quilt certainly made me smile!
The Joyful Quilter a dit

You are almost done. The quilt is going to be SEW cute!!
You are so close and this is so lovely! Love how the quilting imitates snow. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
Anonyme a dit

Such a cute quilt! And so close to finished. It’s looking wonderful!

Muv a dit

Bonsoir Frédérique,
Quels beaux sapins! I love the contrast of Santa against all the green.
Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!
Love, Muv.

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