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#atozchallenge Reflections

Rappel du thème / What was my theme

Pour ma 2ème participation au challenge, j'ai continué sur le thème du quilting, avec une entrée par la caractéristique de l’œuvre des artistes que j'aime.
Ca a été l’occasion de montrer des œuvres textiles de styles très différents, et souvent éloignés de la représentation que l'on a des quilts, traditionnels.

For my second participation in the challenge, I continued on the theme of quilting, with an entry by the characteristic of the work of the artists I love.
It was an opportunity to show textile works of very different styles, and often far from the representation that one has of quilts, traditional.

Leslie Gabriëlse

Mon challenge / My Challenge

  • Pour moi, les lettres les plus difficiles ont surtout été X et Y. Le Y a été problématique presque jusqu’à la dernière minute : yo-yo ? yesterday ? yarn ?? Et puis un éclair de génie ! Mais oui bien sûr ;-)
  • Beaucoup d’artistes dont je n’ai pas pu parler, parce que leurs caractéristiques commençaient par les lettres les plus communes : A, C, D, L, Q, R, S, T, et il a fallu faire des choix. Et 26 ce n’est pas assez !
  • Je ne suis pas très satisfaite du O, qui ne représente pas bien l'ensemble du travail de cette artiste.
  • Mais plutôt contente de l'effet de certain articles !

  • For me, the most difficult letters were X and Y. The Y was problematic almost until the last minute: yo-yo? yesterday? yarn? And then a flash of genius! But yes, of course ;)
  • Many artists I could not talk about, because their characteristics began with the most common letters: A, C, D, L, Q, R, S, T, and choices had to be made. And 26 is not enough!
  • I am not very satisfied with the O, which doesn't represent the entire work of this artist.
  • But rather happy with the effect of some posts!

Mes petites joies / My little joys

Je crois que vous ne vous attendiez pas à voir ceci  ;-)
I don’t think you expected to see this ;)

Mes découvertes / My discoveries

J'ai eu grand plaisir à visiter ces blogs :
I enjoyed a lot visiting these blogs:

Et ceux-là :
And these ones:

Remerciements / Thanks

Merci à tous pour avoir participé, posté, visité, et commenté ! Grâce à vous ce Challenge était amusant et a permis de passer de bons moments ensemble en ce mois un peu particulier. Gardons le contact !

Thanks to all for participating, posted, visited, and commented! Thanks to you this Challenge was fun and allowed to spend good times together during this month a little special. Let’s keep in touch!

Et bien sûr un grand merci à toute l'équipe derrière ce Challenge :
And of course a huge thanks to the incredible A to Z Team behind the Challenge:

Et pour continuer l'aventure, voici la liste de tous les blogs qui ont participé, et leurs thèmes.
And to continue the adventure, here is the Master list with blog names and themes.

Linking up with A to Z Challenge


Arti a dit…
Thank you for delighting me with your gorgeous posts dear Frederique. Had no idea quilts could be so varied.
Cheers for the blog mention.
Have a lovely May.
Alana a dit…
I enjoyed the posts; there was some absolutely beautiful work presented. Happy to have met you!
If someone had told me I would be spending a month totally fascinated by quilting I wouldn't have believed them! But they'd have been right! Thank you for brightening my days with your colourful posts.

My reflections
That puppy quilt is so sweet!!!
Pradeep Nair a dit…
What an excellent idea to have this review of the A to Z Challenge posts.
I was only familiar with the word 'quilting', but never knew there was so much to it, and it was the first time ever that I was reading so much about that subject.
Thanks for including my blog out there. I am glad you liked my posts.
Liz A. a dit…
Congrats on making it through the challenge. So many great quilts all month.
Tamara a dit…
Making a choice is hard, especially if there are so many great artists.
I don't know about the ones I didn't get to see, but the ones you presented to us were fabulous! I had no idea how far quilting can go!
Congratulations on completing the 2020 A-Z!
I am so impressed by how many blogs you visited during the challenge! It is definitely hard to decide what to use for each letter sometimes although I think in the end it can lead to great creativity. I really enjoyed your posts and learning more about the amazing textile artists that you profiled who are creating such beautiful work. Weekends In Maine
John Holton a dit…
You did lots of visiting this year! If there was a prize for that, I'm sure you would have won it! I enjoyed your theme, especially the pictures of quilts. Some of those are just stunning. And thanks for translating so I didn't always have to use Google Translate. I'll continue to follow. Thanks for being a part of the A to Z Challenge!
Srivalli Rekha a dit…
Thank you for sharing such amazing art works with us each day. I can never thinking of quilting without seeing these images in my mind. Congratulations again on completing the challenge and for making such a detailed list of blogs. See you again. :)
Beth Lapin a dit…
I enjoyed your efforts very much, and especially my trying to translate before reading the English. Thanks for listing my blog in your summary!

Archana a dit…
Well researched posts! I did not know there is such a wide wonderful world of Quilting! I need to read about all the artists and their work in detail.. even if I cant do even a small bit of their kind of work. Congratulations! And thank you for mentioning my blog! :-)
JazzFeathers a dit…
Well, your posts were a revelation. Indeed, most of them presented works I'd never imagined are part of quilting. some looked more like paitings.
It was a great discovery.
Trudy a dit…
Your A to Z posts opened my eyes to a whole different world of quilting... what a visual feast! I never knew there were such amazing quilt creations!

Commentaires / Comments

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  • Merci pour votre visite ! 💗 J'apprécie beaucoup de lire vos commentaires, et je répondrais dès que possible, soit en visitant votre blog ; sinon par mail ou à la suite des commentaires ici .