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Quilting !

Il est temps de passer au quilting !
Time to quilt!

Quelques épingles courbes pour stabiliser le tout
Some curved pins to hold everything together

Un petit outil bien pratique pour marquer provisoirement, sans laisser de traces : le Hera, de Clover
A small handy tool to mark without leaving traces: Hera, by Clover

Des motifs de chevron entre les coeurs,
Chevron quilting designs for the hearts,

et des coeurs en quilting libre sur la bordure
and hearts, free-motion quilting designs on the border

Tissu de dos

Linking up with:
Show off Saturday / Scraphappy Saturday / Oh Scrap! / Show & Tell Monday / Monday MakingLinky Tuesday / Let's Bee Social / Midweek Makers


Chris a dit…
It is coming along very nicely. Love the chevrons for the hearts.
Your tools are favorites of mine, too! Your quilting looks great!
Kim a dit…
Your quilting is lovely. It will look fabulous when finished. Happy Quilting!
I always forget about using my Hera marker. It's a great tool for quilting!
Susan a dit…
Really pretty! I keep thinking about trying the Hera marker, and I can see on yours that it really does leave something visible enough to follow. Thank you for great pictures.
la tulipe a dit…
Très bonnes idées de quilting. J'aime quand lignes et arrondis vivent ensemble.
scraphappy a dit…
Such a pretty quilt. Congratulations on a finish.
Great quilting design for your little heart project. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
Gretchen Weaver a dit…
You are doing a good job with your machine stitching, looks great! Lovely quilt.
Cocopatch a dit…
bravo pour ce beau quilting!! bonnes fêtes!!
Vicki in MN a dit…
Oh it is just so darling!
Sylvia a dit…
Love your hearts!
chrisknits a dit…
Such a sweet project! I love your quilt designs.
evaj a dit…
Thanks for participating in Show and Tell Monday !! Happy New Year! Wish Bambi
Anonyme a dit…
What a lovely quilt and thank you for the tutorial!

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