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Dashing en progrès / WIP

Les blocs jaunes et oranges du QAL #dashingcorianderquilts :
Yellow and orange blocks for the #dashingcorianderquilts QAL:

Je ne sais pas encore comment les assembler, j'aime bien en arc-en-ciel :
Until now, I have no idea about the blocks placement, but I like the rainbow effect:

Ou alors je mélange tout... Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Or I mix all of them... What do you think about it?

Linking up with:
Connie's Linky Tuesday (Freemotion by the River)
Lorna's Let's Bee Social (Sew Fresh Quilts)
Esther's WIPs on Wednesdays ( Esther's Blog)
Myra's Finished or not Friday (Busy Hands Quilts)


Cathy Tomm a dit…
Great rainbow blocks! I think you could mix them all up and they would all look good together.

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