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Le projet 70 273 / The 70,273 Project

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Have you heard about this project?

"En France, je me fais le relais de plusieurs quilteuses américaines qui participent à ce projet, accompagnant Jeanne Hewell-Chambers, qui a décidé de faire un quilt composé de 70273 blocs. En fait et au total, 900 quilts seront realisés !
Entre janvier 1940 et août 1941, 70273 hommes, femmes et enfants handicapés physiquement et mentalement ont été assassinés par les nazis.
Les médecins décidaient trés rapidement, sans regarder et examiner les personnes et leur triste sort était réglé en une minute avec une croix rouge marquée au bas de leur dossier.
Les personnes handicapées disparaissaient dans les deux heures suivantes. Quelle honte….
C’est un projet fou que Jeanne est en train de réaliser mais quel beau projet….Un bloc par personne pour qu’on ne les oublie pas."
Citation : Patchwork Inspirations

Pour les français-se et francophones, vous trouverez des informations sur ces blogs :
Patchwork Inspiration ; La Ruche des quilteuses

"Between January 1940 and August 1941 (before the Holocaust began), 70,273 physically and mentally disabled people – men, women, teens, boys, and girls – were murdered by the Nazis. Though they never even laid eyes on the disabled person they were evaluating, the Nazi doctors read the medical files and, if from the words on the page, the person was deemed “unfit” or an “economic burden on society”, the doctor placed a red X at the bottom of the form. Three doctors were to read each medical file, and when two of them made a red X on the page, the disabled person’s fate was sealed. Most were murdered within 1-2 hours.

I will commemorate these 70,273 voiceless, powerless people who were so callously and casually murdered by gathering 70,273 blocks of white fabric (representing innocence and the paper the doctors read), each bearing two red X’s (representing one person), and I will stitch them together into quilts. 

Am I crazy? Maybe. But Bones say I can’t not do this. I can’t change history – can’t unring that bell – but I can commemorate the lives of these 70,273 disabled people in this small way . . . if you’ll help. See where it says “70273” at the top of the page? If you’ll click on that, you’ll find all sorts of information about how and why to become involved. Take some time poking around the pages, and when you’re ready, join us."
Citation : Jeanne Hewell-Chambers

For the English speaking quilters, you will find informations here:
The Barefoot Heart

Voilà mon 1er block, en cours.
Here is the beginning of my first block.

Des petites croix, pour ne pas les oublier...
Small crosses, to remenber them...


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